Reviews Bhooter Raja Dilobor

Subhadeep Basu Roy
the ambience is perfect with retro bong songs of 19s to add some Bangaliana to the atmosphere. the seating place is very comfortable & the staffs are very polite & friendly. Very clean & coming to the taste its just fantastic. The real Bangali taste of each & every items starting from dal to chatni. Mouthwatering. Chicken is freaking awsum just like the rich spicy taste of Mom's made Kosha.. ahaaa. i ordered Bhooter Mini thali along with Chicken Kasha which was more than enough for me to finish all alone.So Quantity is more than enough for one & at this price its totally value for money as compared to the other overpriced reaturants. 100% recomended must give a try for all the bengali cuisine lovers.
Gourab Karmakar
Bhooter raja dilo bor is a well known bengali restuarant in Jadavpur. They give a lot ofquantities in very affordable prices the items are very tasty there and the staffs are polite to.. must try here.
2 days ago
Pritha Paul (Nibble_o_gram)
Do you remember the famous “Teen bor” the Bhooter raja granted Gupi and Bagha ?
After entering ’BHOOTER RAJA DILO BOR’ I felt the first wish was granted for me too.
“Can eat whatever I wish for”
BHOOTER RAJA DILO BOR comes with a vast Bengali cuisine menu to offer you. Their exquisite Bhooter raja themed thalis are to crave for.
I did try the three thalis(yes I am that much of a foodie):

1. GUPIR Thali: It had Basmati rice, Sukto, Moong daal with maacher matha, Dhonepata Chicken ,Chingri malai, Chatni, Papad and Misti doi. Cost is 450/-

2. BAGHAR Thali: It had Basmati rice, Moong daal with maacher matha, Sukto, Aloo bhaja, Sorshe Pabda, Mutton kosha, Chatni, Papad and Misti doi. Cost is 475/-

3. MOHA BHOJ Thali: This one was the most luxurious one. It had Luchi, Begun bhaja, Basmati rice, Pulao, Sakh bhaja, Moong daal with maacher matha, Sukto, Aloo bhaja, Dhone Chicken, Mutton kosha, Sorshe Pabda, Kochupatar Chingri, Papad, Rosogolla, Payesh and Misti doi. Cost is 749/-

When you come to the ambience, it was something that was right out of the movie. Pictures of bhooter dol all around. The beautiful interiors made of bamboo. The legendary songs from the movie is played in loop creating an atmosphere doing perfect justice to the Satyajit Ray movie.
3 days ago
Shambhobi Bagchi
The food was delicious. Every protein was of good quality. The staff were very helpful . It was worth the price.
3 days ago
Soham Guha
'ভূতের রাজা দিল বর,
জবর জবর তিন বর।
এক, দুই, তিন'

বলি ভূতের রাজার প্রথম বর কি ছিল মনে আছে?

'যা চাই পরতে খাইতে পারি'!!

তেমনি আপনি যদি দুই হাতে তালি দিয়ে বলতে পারেন,

'হাতে হাতে মারো তালি
তবেই আসবে ভূতের থালি'

তবেই Bhooter Raja Dilo Bor এ আপনার জন্য এসে যাবে বিভিন্ন সুস্বাদু খাবার। যা দেখে আপনি ভূতের রাজার জয়গান করতে বাধ্য।

যাদবপুর 8B বাসষ্ট্যান্ড এর পাশে উপস্থিত এই রেস্তোঁরা আপনাকে শ্রী সত্যজিৎ রায় এর সৃষ্টি কল্পনার রাজ্যে নিয়ে যাবেই। হঠাৎ কোন অবচেতনে আপনি দেখলেন আপনি জঙ্গলের ভেতর, সামনে একটা বাঘ দাড়িয়ে আর আপনার পাশে গুপি বাঘা দাড়িয়ে ভয়ানক কি এক বিটকেল আওয়াজ শুরু করেছে। আর তখনি এলো ভূতের রাজা, কিন্তু এখানে একটাই বর পাবেন আপনি। যেমন খুশি খাবার।

পরিবেশ ও তেমনি। সুন্দর লাল পর্দা, কাঠের টেবিল চেয়ার, চারিদিকে ভূত নাচছে, আর গান বেজে যাচ্ছে ' ভূতের রাজা দিল বর ' অথবা ভূতের রাজা বলে চলেছে ' গুপি বাঘা গুপি বাঘা ভয় নেই কাছে আয় '।

এবার খাদ্যতালিকা তে কি কি আছে দেখা যাক।

এখানে খুব জনপ্রিয় তিনটে থালি হলো,

• গুপির থালি (৪৫০ টাকা)

এই থালিতে পাবেন বাসমতি চালের ভাত , কাঁচা লঙ্কা ও লেবু, ফিশ ফ্রাই, মাছের মাথা দিয়ে মুগ ডাল, শুক্তো, ঝুড়ি ঝুড়ি আলু ভাজা, ধনেপাতা চিকেন, চিংড়ি মাছের মালাইকারি, চাটনি ,পাপড় ও শেষ পাতে দই।

• বাঘার থালি (৪৭৫ টাকা)

এই থালিতে পাবেন বাসমতি চালের ভাত, কাঁচা লঙ্কা ও লেবু, ফিশ ফ্রাই, মাছের মাথা দিয়ে মুগ ডাল, শুক্তো, ঝুড়ি ঝুড়ি আলু ভাজা, সর্ষে পাবদা, মটন ডাকবাংলো, চাটনি ,পাপড় ও শেষে মিষ্টি দই।


• মহাভোজ থালি (৭৪৯ টাকা)

এটি আনলিমিটেড। তাই এতে পাবেন, লুচি, বেগুন ভাজা, বাসমতি চালের ভাত , পোলাও, কাঁচা লঙ্কা, লেবু, শাক, মাছের মাথা দিয়ে মুগ ডাল, শুক্তো, ঝুড়ি ঝুড়ি আলু ভাজা, ধনেপাতা চিকেন, মটন ডাকবাংলো, পাবদা মাছের সরষে, কচুপাতা দিয়ে চিংড়ি, চাটনি ,পাপড়, রসগোল্লা , পায়েস ও দই।

এখানে সবচেয়ে বড় জিনিস হলো সত্যজিৎ রায় এর তৈরি করে দিয়ে যাওয়া নস্টালজিয়া, কিন্তু সুস্বাদু খাবার গুলো আপনাকে মুগ্ধ করতে বাধ্য, বিশেষ করে চিংড়ি এর পদগুলি একবার খেলে বারবার খেতে ইচ্ছে করে। এরম করে Bengali Cuisine কে এগিয়ে নিয়ে যাওয়া ও আমাদের নস্টালজিয়া কে সেলিব্রেট করা যে কতটা সাধুবাদ পাওয়ার যোগ্য তা আর বলে দিতে হয়না।

ধন্য হে ভূতের রাজা।
4 days ago
Oaishika Saha
হাতে হাতে দাও তালি
তবে আসবে ভুতের থালি

বিশেষ লাইন,,, ভূতের রাজা দিলো বর রেস্টুরেন্ট এর
ওদের মতে খাওয়ার আগে এই কথাটি বললে নাকি ভূতের রাজা বর স্বরূপ খাবারের থালা পরিবেশন করে যাবেন।

খুবই সুন্দর একটি নিয়ম মেনে কলকাতা শহরের ওপর যাদবপুরে এই হোটেলটি রয়েছে । যাদবপুর 8b বাসস্ট্যান্ডে ঠিক বিপরীতে এই হোটেলটি। বাঙালির নস্টালজিয়া সত্যজিৎ রায়ের বিখ্যাত গুপী গাইন বাঘা বাইন চলচ্চিত্রটির আদলে এই হোটেলটি সম্পূর্ণ ভাবে সাজানো হয়েছে। চারিদিকে লাল পর্দা এবং কাঠের টেবিল চেয়ার , লাল-নীল কাঁচে সজ্জিত এই হোটেল , প্রতিটি জানালায় দেওয়া রয়েছে খড়খড়ি এবং প্রতিটি টেবিলে রয়েছে একটি করে প্রদীপ যেটি জ্বালিয়ে খাবার শুরু করা হয়,

এই মহামারীর দিনে এরা সঠিক নিয়ম বজায় করে হোটেলটিকে পরিষ্কার-পরিচ্ছন্ন রেখে ঠিকমতো নিয়ম পালন করে এরা এগিয়ে যাচ্ছে।

এবার আসা যাক খাওয়াতে
এদের তিনটে বিখ্যাত খালি রয়েছে

বাঘার থালি
যেই থালিতে রয়েছে বাসমতি চালের ভাত , কাঁচা লঙ্কা, লেবু, মাছের মাথা দিয়ে মুগ ডাল , শুক্ত , ঝুড়ি আলু ভাজা, পাবদা মাছের সরষে, খাসির মাংস, ‌ চাটনি , পাপড়, দই

গুপীর থালি
যেই থালিতে রয়েছে যেই থালিতে রয়েছে বাসমতি চালের ভাত , কাঁচা লঙ্কা, লেবু, মাছের মাথা দিয়ে মুগ ডাল , শুক্ত , ঝুড়ি আলু ভাজা, ধনেপাতা চিকেন, চিংড়ি মাছের মালাইকারি, চাটনি ,পাপড়,

জামাই আদর মহাভোজ থালি
বাসমতি চালের ভাত , পোলাও, লুচি, বেগুন ভাজা, কাঁচা লঙ্কা, লেবু, মাছের মাথা দিয়ে মুগ ডাল , শুক্ত , ঝুড়ি আলু ভাজা, ধনেপাতা চিকেন, খাসির মাংস, পাবদা মাছের সরষে, কচু পাতা দিয়ে চিংড়ি, চিংড়ি মাছের মালাইকারি, চাটনি ,পাপড়, রসগোল্লা , পায়েস , দই

প্রতিটি রান্না অতি সুস্বাদু ছিল বিশেষ করে আমিন্ জামাই না হয়েও জামাই আদর থালিটি খেয়েছিলাম😂♥️
এবং যেহেতু আমি বাঙালি আমি মিষ্টি প্রেমে সুতরাং ওদের পায়েসর রসগোল্লা আমার অসাধারণ লেগেছিল প্রতিটি রান্না তে একটি আলাদা গন্ধ ছিল, মাংস খুবই নরম এবং খুবই সুস্বাদু এবং প্রতিটি রান্না আলাদাই স্বাদ ছিল ♥️

কলকাতা র ওপর এরকম বাঙালি খুবই কম দেখা যায় এবং এদের খাবার এতই সুস্বাদু যে একবার গেলে বারবার যেতে ইচ্ছা করে এবং খেতে ইচ্ছা করে এবং এটি যেহেতু বাঙালির একটি অসাধারণ চলচ্চিত্রে আদলে তৈরি সেহেতু অতি প্রিয় এবং সচ্ছল হোটেল ♥️

5 days ago
Tanmay Dasgupta
An Excellent place to goto when you crave for Bengali food. We had ordered 3 types of thali and taken extra rice and shona moong dal . Quantity wise if yoy have a light stomach i can assure you that a single thali would be enough for 2 people. If you are a foodie this is the best place where you can get to eat different types of delicacies in a single thali. They have an extremely courteous staff and they constantly keep checking of the food is to your liking and if they could do anything else to make your visit more pleasent than it already is. The ambiance has a rustic look and well suited for the theme. Theres an unlimited thali available which we didn't dare to order as there would be too much food. To end your meal they serve little pan which is extremely tasty. This is one place where we would love to visit again for sure and repeats would follow for sure.
6 days ago
Indranil Banerjee
A very nice Bangaliana restaurant where u can enjoy authentic Bengali food.
Nice themed and BanshBon.
Overall a nice experience.
9 days ago
Sayan Sengupta || Joey's Plate
Had this spread from Bhooter Raja dilo Bor. Loved it way too much. The authenticity of the Bengali cuisine was literally maintained here and was highly done a justice to. Loved the food and the portion.

11 days ago
Sreejita Majumder
The restuarant is so well sanitized, the interior, the behaviour everything is so perfect. Even they are looking for each and everycustomer for their need. We ordered thali, basmati pulao, aloo dum, mutton kosha, the taste the quantity the quality is great. HOPE TO VISIT SOON♥️
12 days ago
Thedailyfood Crush
~ Bengali thali ~ . . . Bengali food is famous all over the world and especially in Kolkata. Many famous restaurants are there in Kolkata where you can enjoy the authentic Bengali dish
~In This Frame ~

(Mohabhoj Thali / Unlimited Food)

Streamed Rice Polau Begunvaja Sakvaja Gondhoraj Lebu Aalur Dum SonaMong Dal Sukto Dhokar Dalna Kochupata Chingri Dhonepata Chicken Mutton Dakbunglow Chanti Papad Misti Payes...

I went to Bhooter Raja Dilo Bor to try this simple yet lovely Bengali thali.

*U can order mutton & other food if you want it’s free of cost that’s why it’s call unlimited Thali*
16 days ago
Abreeti Sen
Loved the food quality, portion and ambiance.
In picture-
Mutton Thali
Chicken Thali
The taste of each and every item is so homely. The hospitality of the staffs is noteworthy.
Overall it was a wonderful experience.
17 days ago
Nandini Datta Roy
The Monsoons + Ilish. Give a fish-loving Bangali a better option, and we shall wait. ☔⛈️

Till then, lemme give you a quick tour of the yum Ilish festival that we experienced at Bhoot Er Raja Dilo Bor, Jadavpur. Abiding by all the recommended safety norms, we got served a huge array of Ilish delicacies, leaving us wanting for more! 😋

Here's a quick look at some of the many yummyness that we got our hands on:
🐟 Chatpata Ilish
🐟 Ilish pulao
🐟 Ilish er matha diye kochur shaak

Ilish lovers, what are you waiting for? Experience the wide variety of ilish preps, and enjoy a 20% discount on dine in. The festival is on till the mid of this month, at least.
one month ago
Sagnik Biswas
Ilish Alert❤

Was previledged enough to try the different Ilish delicacies at Bhooter Raja dilo bor with FoodZpah vlog team.. 🤩🤩

Click the link below to know to have an awesome experience

Kolapata mora Ilish Pathuri-310
Gupir Saher Ilish Pulao- 475
Mutton Bhooter Raja-270(It was not a part of the festival 😅)

Whole smocked Ilish ,Kochusha Ilish Macher matha , Chatpata ilish,Dab (These are the items i tried and according to me I loved the chatpata ilish the most and its a must try❤❤❤

P.S. The prices which I have mentioned are confined to online only. If you dine in at the Kolkata outlet you will be geeting a discount of 20%😊 as the festival is only happening at the Kolakta outlet which is Jadavpur.

one month ago
Gangotri Dutta
🥳Good NEWS for ইলিশ lovers🥳

Click the link below to know All about the ইলিশ উৎসব 😁❤️

Such a delightful treat it was😌
😋All the items were amazing well cooked, special the flavours were excatly appropriate ❤️
🔴My personal favorite was
চট পটা ইলিশ and ডাব ইলিশ 😁😁

All the amazing Ilish items tried in the festival were:

Whole smocked Ilish (ব্রহ্মদত্তির ইলিশ)
Ilish paturi (ইলিশ পাতুরি)
Kochushak ইলিশ (ইলিশ মাছের মাথা দিয়ে কচুশাক )
Chatpata ilish (চটপটা ইলিশ)
Dab ilish (ডাব ইলিশ)
Ilish polao (ইলিশ পোলাও)
Mutton Bhooter Raja(মটন ভূতের রাজা)

I personally suggest to visit this festival asap to taste the wonderful items!
one month ago
Sukanya Mukherjee
I was at the Ilish festival at @bhooterraja_dilobar with Foodzpah Vlog fam and what a delightful experience it was!
In frame:
Macher matha diye kochushak
Chatpata Ilish
Hota bhapa smoked ilish
Thanks @foodzpah for the invite.

Amazing ambience and even better food 😍😍😍😍
one month ago
Pradipta Saha
So finally after unlock my first bengali restaurant I visited my place with my entire family.
This place is a must try for bong foodies.
Each & every item was delicious....
one month ago
This is restaurant delivered the order in hygienic way.
There combo is too good and tasty..
This restaurant is provided us authentic bengali food.
I ordered basanti pulao and mutton dakbunglow and chatni..
Tasty 4/5
Quantity 3.5/5
one month ago
Sukanya Dey
Ordered kosha mangsho, dal, bhat and jhuri jhuri alu bhaja.. The portion size was more than enough. Home style cooked food, with all the spices you need in that kosha mangsho. Loved it.
one month ago
Nabamita Das
The portion served is not adequate according to the price. However, food is super tasty. The restaurant should work on increasing portion size. It's really really scanty. Otherwise, any foodie would love any item from here. They are super tasty!👌
2 months ago
Ishita Sarkar
I am a big fan of Bengali cuisine and this place was more than my expectations. Visited the place before lockdown.the staffs were friendly,food was like truely home made Bengali food and the theme oh my god !!!! They ask u to clap and say a poem before delivering the food..wanna visit again..❤️
2 months ago
one of the best place to try authentic bengali thali that too in a wonderful themed ambiance.. to know more watch the Youtube Video by Debojyoti Vlogs
3 months ago
Avik Satpati
What an authentic place for bengali foods though the place is really small but the ambience and the food is so enchanting. Wonderful experiences and awesome environment. A proper traditional Bengali place to visit.
7 months ago
Oishiki Das
Nice restaurant for Bengali food ... Staffs are courteous... Food tastes are above average... Though I really liked their Aloor dum.. interior decor is the main attraction of this place... Finally I good place to visit with your family
7 months ago
Priyanka Sarkar
Awsome was so good both in quality and quantity...the ambience is very nice...the price is very reasonable..the staffs were also very friendly
7 months ago
Soumen Bhowmick
I loved the ambience, behaviour of all stuffs and food obviously❤️.
8 months ago
Sarkar Anindita
It’s a beautiful themed restaurant with ghostly ambience.. just 5 mins Walk from Jadavpur 8b bus stand.we went there in evening , we ordered luchi and chicken duck banglow, these were really delicious. The stuffs were well behaved enough, moreover the price was very much pocket friendly, so don’t wait, have a visit there soon... :)
8 months ago
Namrata Bose
This was a great discovery. Starting from the place, it is located at a stone throw distance from Jadavpur 8B bus stand. It can be easily located from a moving vehicle. The whole decor is themed on the famous Bhooter Raja from Goopi Gayen Bagha Bayen. The background music were also on different songs from the same series of movies. Though we thought of opting for the Thalis, but on weekends they provide buffet instead of Thali. So we opted for the buffet. The buffet consisted of: 1) Korai shutir kochuri 2) Alur dom 3) Chholar dal 4) Bhetki paturi 5) Basanti Polao 6) Dhaniya chicken 7) Mutton dak bunglow 8) Khejurer chutney 9) Papad 10) Dudh puli 11) Nalen gurer rasagolla 12) Paan Each dish was very tasty in its own essence. Special mention are Korai shutir kochuri, Chholar dal, Bhetki paturi, Mutton dak bunglow. The staff were very friendly & prompt in their service. The best part is like Goopi Gayen Bagha Bayen series you have to give Taali or clap to get your food. "Hatey hatey dao taali, tobei asbe Maha thali". The menu card is also a special mention. It has the Thali named after famous excerpts from the film. Can't wait to visit their soon & will wait how they surprise us again. Saumyajyoti Deb
8 months ago
Proma Bhattacharya
Located close to 8b bus stand, this is a treasure trove for bengali cuisine lovers. The interiors are spacious and comfortable. We opted for the buffet, which offered a huge array of dishes. That particular day they had koraishuti r kochuri, begun bhaja, cholar dal, alurdum, polau, muri ghonto, dhonepata chicken, gondhoraj paturi, mutton dakbunglow, chatni, papad, nolengurer rosogolla and dudh puli. It was a a veritable feast. All the dishes were delicious, especially the gandharaj paturi and mutton. The servers are also very polite and friendly. The pocket pinch reasonable. I cant wait to go back there and try some of the ala carte dishes.
8 months ago
Rohit Sutradhar
Presenting to you the Grand Presentation of Fantastic dishes in One place named As "Mahabhoj Thali", A pretty unique but filling thaali to be honest. Priced at Rs. 699 for unlimited refilling... This is one of the unique thali Bhooter Raja Dilo Bar has to offer.

In frame:
MAHABHOJ THALI (Unlimited) - 699 Rs
✓Begun Bhaja
✓Aloor Dom
✓Sak Bhaja
✓Kachupata Bhapa Chingri
✓Dhonepata Chicken
✓Mutton Dak Banglow

Don't drool... Go and try them Already!!!
8 months ago
Oindrila Ghosh
Here wishing everyone
"Shubho Poush Sankranti".

This place is celebrating Pithe Puli Utshob.

In the snap :
🔸Chusir Payesh
🔸Dudh Puli
🔸Chitui Pithe

Do visit with place with family and friends to celebrate the festival.
8 months ago
Tamal Dalui
A must visit bengali dish lover family restaurant. Very well behaved staff. Prices are affordable.
8 months ago
Shameek Mukherjee
"Dui Hate dao Tali, Tbe asbe Bhoot er Thali" , this is what you have to say to get the glimpse of your food here. Ambience is remade to remind you the King of the Ghosts, Bhooter Raja from the masterpiece of Satyajit Ray's Gupi Gayen Bagha Bayen. They are known for their traditional and authentic Bengali delicacies. Food quality and quantity is good and prices are reasonable .
8 months ago
Rahul Karmakar
ahahaha bhooter raja dilo bor most lovely place. i go this place so many times.. i love this place very much.. good ambience staff good behaviour.  highly recommended
8 months ago
Rituparna Saha
All are in chef's special mutton thali..except payesh..that is home made... all the food is good.. specially paturi..thank you
9 months ago
Sanchareee Guha Thakurta
Amazing resturant & amazing food..
Every dish was lovely, taste, proportion everything was fantastic..
And most important, people who are taking orders and serve food, sooo polite and amazung behaviour..
Please, must visit once.. I will go there once again..
10 months ago
Kaustiv Saha
When it comes to authentic bengali food, this place is the ultimate choice for every food lover. This is a great Bhooter Raja Dilo Bor themed restaurant based on Satyajit Roy's legendary movie "Gupi Gayin Bagha Bain". Not only their theme, their prompt service was amazing too. 
So, coming to the food, I had- 
Bengali Thali ₹735 (TAX  included), and this is an unlimited thali , means you will get unlimited food as much as you want just like a buffet. So thali had- 

🔵 Aam Pora Shorbot
🔴Luchi + Alu Dom + Begun Vaja


🔴Lal saak bhaja + Sukto +Kochupata Chingri + Dal




🔴Payesh +Chatni + Papad +Rosogolla

10 months ago
Debrup Bandyopadhyay/Your Gour'Mate'.
It is much more than gastronomy for all. It is about identity, history and nostalgia and
that is what "Bhooter raja Dilo Bor" gives you to the brim. What better can ut get for the city of joy when this place delivers a lavish yet homely place to enjoy a cuisine which this restaurant brings close to our heart's.

Taking a place of pride in the hearts of millions of Bengalis this cuisine which is a blend of sweet and spicy flavours is something you will enjoy the most here.
Fellow bong foodies ahoy! If you have not let yourself loose into droolworthy spread here yet, you're missing out on the best kind of Bengali delecasies.
Here's "Unlimited Mahabhoj Thali" :
Aam Pora Shorbot ,Luchi ,Bhaat, Dal, Sukto, Aloo Dum, Laal Saag ,Begun Bhaja ,Kochupata Chingri, Pabda ,Dhone Chicken, Mutton Dakbanglow , Payesh, Chutney , Papad and Rosogolla.

A perfect place to set up a date with your family and friends, all you need is 'Bhuri Bhoj Bhab'.
10 months ago
Tuhin Samanta
Have you ever felt like a kid who has been let to wander in a candy store and has been given the permission to buy anything that he wants? Well that is how I felt when the MAHABHOJ THALI was served to me in Bhooter Raja Dilo Bor.
Priced at just Rs. 699+taxes this thali is definitely a boon for all the food lovers.
All the items in this thali are unlimited and is available from Monday to Friday.

IN the frame
10 months ago
Mandira Chaudhuri
Finally had the chance to visit this place.
A very famous place serving really good and delicious 'BENGALI DELICACIES " and it literally lived up to my expectations.
The place gives you the vibes of the movie " GUPI GAYEN BAGHA BAYEN".
Price- ₹699+tax consisting of-
📌 Aam Pora Shorbot
📌 Luchi
📌 Bhaat
📌 Dal
📌 Sukto
📌 Aloo Dum
📌 Laal Saag
📌 Begun Bhaja
📌 Kochupata Chingri
📌 Pabda
📌 Dhone Chicken
📌 Mutton Dakbanglow
📌 Payesh
📌 Chutney
📌 Papad
📌 Rosogolla
📌 Lebu
📌 Lonka
Each and every item was equally good in taste and the service was very quick.
10 months ago
ভূতের রাজা দিল বর...Well the name is quite famous when it comes to Bengali cuisine. The decor will remind you of your favorite movie as a kid.. GupiGayen Bagha Bayen. The courteous staff and the absolutely lip smacking dishes will definitely make your dine out experience an amazing one.
IN the frame :
MAHABHOJ THALI which comprises of
➡️Begun Bhaja
➡️Aloor Dum
➡️Shaak Bhaja
➡️Kochupatay Chingri Bhapa
➡️Dhonepata Chicken
➡️Mutton Dakbanhglow
This entire package come for just Rs. 699+Gst and the best part is, it is unlimited.
This MAHABHOJ THALI is available only on weekdays (Monday to Friday)
10 months ago
A Saha
Near kpc medical college and hospital...
Newly opened....
Good ambience...
Thali available at a very reasonble price....awesome taste....
11 months ago
Rocky Foodthrobe
জন্মদিনের তিন দিন আগে ভুতের রাজার দেওয়া বরে অ্যাডভান্স ম্যানুফ্যাকচারিং ডে সেলিব্রেট হয়ে গেলো বিরিয়ানি থিম কেক কেটে।। তার সাথে পেট পুজো টাও জমজমাট ভোজ আড্ডায়

Bhuter Raja Dilo Bor
11 months ago
Aditi Sarkar
Recently we had a team get together at this restaurant. The decór, ambience, the theme compliments the utensils they use. We had an extended menu of Luchi, Begun Vaja, Stuffed Alur Dom, Basmati Rice, Veg Dal, Potol er Dalna, Basanti Pulao, Sorse Pabda, Kochupata Bhapa Chingri, Chicken Posto, Mutton Dakbunglow, Aam er Chutney, Papad, Rosogolla, Misti Doi. Everything was perfect. Last but not the least, thanks to the management B-Team who helped a lot for the successful meeting. They arranged everything (A live Ghosh as well). Worth visiting for bengali cuisine food.
11 months ago
Surojit Mondal
Everything is good..
And first of all this Restaurant is very pocket friendly..
11 months ago
Trisha Mondal
Lovely ambience which reminds you of gupi gain and bagha bain.😁
Food quality is good and quality as well .
Very easy to find out .
Located on the downstairs of bellagio
Menu here:- chicken pakora
Fish fry (basa)
11 months ago
Debanjali Bandyopadhyay
• Place: ভূতের রাজা দিল বর

• Location: At Jadavpur, Kolkata. Besides KPC medical college and hospital.

• Rate: 9.7/10

• Food: Bashanti polao( Price: Rs 150, Rate: 9.2/10)
Basmati rice( Price: Rs 70)
Alu bhaja ( Price: Rs 60, Rate: 9.7/10)
Sona mug dal( Price: Rs 70, Rate: 9.8/10)
Topshe fry (Price: Rs 160 , Rate: 10/10)
Mutton Dak Banglow (Price: Rs 270, Rate: 10/10)
Padma parer Ilish bhapa ( Price: Rs 360, Rate: 10/10)
Khejur Amsotto chutney (Price: 60, Rate: 9.8/10)
* exclusive of all taxes *
All bengali dishes were served after we clapped each other’s hand and shouted “ hathe hathe dayo taali tobe ashbe bhooter thali.” All the items were so delicious and a perfect place for bengali food lovers.

• Ambience: A newly opened theme-based family bengali cuisine restaurant decorated in a simple way with bamboo, wall paintings of different bhoots, music played all were associated with Satyajit Ray’s gupi bagha series. The staffs were really polite and caring.

Follow: @eshoboshoahare on Instagram for more. ❤️
11 months ago
Subhannita Guha
Bhoojer Raja Dilo Bor is located right at Sulekha, just one stop ahead of Jadavpur 8B.
It's a themed restaurant from the legendary Bengali movie Gupi Bagha Firey Elo and serves sumptuous Bengali food. The crowd is mostly family crowd fond of Bengali meals.
They have buffet as well as ala carte options.
I loved the Luchi Begun Bhaaja they served and also the coriander Chicken curry. Kochu Paata Chingri was good too.
Looking forward to coming back to this place again with my family next time.
Oct 05, 2019
Pleasantly surprised! Being out of town I wanted to surprise my mother on her birthday with fish fry and Golda chingri Malai curry. Even though I was disappointed at first when I got a call after my order bring accepted that the Golda chingri Malai curry was unavailable...they were very helpful in suggesting a replacement order in the same price...
The bhapa chingri was equally yum and the mocha chingri was super tasty...but the best dish by far the fish fry!
Good discovery!
Sep 27, 2019
Priya Mukherjee
First time I ordered lunch from Bhooter Raja Dilo Bor through Zomato.
It was simple Bengali sunday lunch...
Bhaat, dal, bhaja, chicken jhol & chatni and
Pulao with chicken jhol (though they said it will be chicken kosha, but I received jhol.)
Good taste,
Good quality,
Fine packing,
Fast delivery.
Only quantity was little insufficient.
Sep 22, 2019
S. Goswami
Basanti Pulao with Chicken or Mutton combo , price 200/- each ( per thali), taste good , but quantity is small , according to the money .
Sep 15, 2019
good food..good taste..ordered one prwan doi rui..their special bhuter raja dilo bor Chicken and plain rice with mug dal..pocket friendly restaurant
Sep 09, 2019
Abhinanda Chowdhury
I had ordered Chicken Bhooter Raja and it was yummy...generally chicken dishes are pungent and hot with a spicy taste...but this was had a sweet taste with dry fruits in it...I quite liked this unconventional dish.
Aug 20, 2019
Bidisha Chakraborty
I had ordered Ilish Thali.

Firstly, the neat packaging is a beautiful starter to bring a smile on your face.

The thali contained Basmati rice, alu vaja, alu posto, mug dal, amer chatni and a big chunk of ilish vapa. Everything was tasty and the quantity was ok for one person, but I fell in love with the amer chatni. It was delicious! When it comes to bengali cuisine, this place is sure worth a try.
Aug 13, 2019
Sreya Saha
If you are searching for true "bengali ghor er khabar" then this place is a must visit.The quality of foods are really good.A must visit place for people who loves Bengali foods.
Aug 11, 2019
Shritama Saha
Honestly this place is just near my college and is not very pocket friendly if you don't have any offer apps.

Being pricy their taste aren't bad.

We ordered, 1. Rice
2. Mutton duckbunglow
3. Daab chingri
4. Aam panna

The dukbunglow was out from the heaven but the chingri I didn't like at all. It was smelling bad though the gravy was goooooodd..

Overall a nice experience, please do try the mutton dukbunglow. My rating is higher because of being a mutton lover.
Aug 10, 2019
Saurabh Pandey( @garda.maanus)
Loved this place. What to say. The foods, ambiance, interiors, everything was so perfect. Have been there a lot of times with my colleagues.
Jul 25, 2019
Jagriti Banerjee
I ordered a chicken thali today. I are such a good thali after a very long time. The thali contained basmati rice chicken, sona moong daal, aam chutney and crispy potato fry. Every item was so so fresh and adequate in quantity. The chicken pieces were succulent and fresh. The curry was also light yet tasty. I am very much satisfied and looking forward to order again.
Jul 24, 2019
Arijit Talukdar
Food is good in quality and quantity, but a bit overpriced given the quality of food. I do order from time to time. Food can be a little less oily.
Jul 18, 2019
Anirban BR
Recently ordered Chhanar Dalna and Egg curry from this place.

The packaging was average and the portion size was adequate for the price.

Both the items were tasty.
Jul 12, 2019
Soham Majumdar
Sitting perched atop Bawarchi Roll Counter is the iconic offering from the same group.. An experience straight out of the iconic scene as though the King of Ghosts has indeed blessed us with the gift of having whatever we would like to have... Well that was the feeling we had while glancing through the humongous menu... It boasted of Myriad choices.. But this is what we zeroed in finally

Begun Basanti 💟

Slit aubergines, prettily dipped in Mustard gravy... You have to try it to believe it.. It was awesome

Mutton Daakbunglow 💟

Have tried versions elsewhere but this one had a fried egg instead of a traditional Boiled one..Also the gravy was quite tasty

Daab Chingri 💟

Definitely the star of the show... Also the staff went out of the way to find daab for us while we patiently waited... Finally was came to our table was nothing short of a royal feast... The silky gravy with tender coconut morsels was heavenly.. And the foil covered tender presentation was awesome

All these were paired well with the fluffy white rice

Special mention goes to the service overlooked by Mr Srikanta.... Helping us choose the right dishes... Ensuring the water goblets were refilled.. Ensuring proper service.. Courteous and Really good

Definitely Recommended ❤️
Jul 09, 2019
Kunaljit Dutta
This place serves some really good bengali dishes.. This is the first time i have ordered thali from here and it was delicious and sumptous too..

Ordered veg thali which consisted of sukto.. Moong dal with peas.. Basmati chutney.. Alu vaja and aloo posto..😍 all the dishes were simply great.. The dal was just wow..

A great place to have some good homemade taste of bengali foods..

Packaging was also 👌
Jul 07, 2019
Riya Chowdhury
If you are looking for a place to try bengali cuisine at a much cheaper price then this is the right place for you. This is located at 8b just besides Indian coffee house. We had bhekti fish fry,plain rice and chingri malaikari. The fish fry was little costly as compared to the size and taste.But the malaikari tasted heavenly. Hope to try other items from there.
Jun 30, 2019
Priyanka Pal Chowdhury
We went for our friend's Aiburobhaat and we ordered the Best thali here. I think it costs around 1600/- and it had maaaany things. You can see the menu for the items. They organized the thali like Aiburobhaat and also gave a kulo, with one bormala, panchapradip, dhaan dubbo and chandan for phota. They provided it all without any extra cost. We did the rituals and ordered extra items for us. The quantity was too good for each item and please keep this in mind before ordering. The place has amazing decor and ambience and all time bhooter Raja music was played in the background. I just loved the whole experience. If you have a car or a bike, a parking space is available nearby. Also we were allowed to bring cake from outside and celebrate here as they do not provide any cakes.
Sarthak Mukherjee
The place is honestly quite small, even can be suffocating for some. Service however is good. Staffs are courteous. They have maintained the proper ambience. Food is good for most of the part, however some dishes might disappoint you. If compared against their Chandannagar branch, I would say you will be a little disappointed.
"An absolute culinary gem! This Bengali restaurant is a haven for those seeking an authentic taste of Bengal. From the moment you step in, the ambiance whisks you away to the bustling streets of Kolkata. The menu offers a tantalizing array of traditional dishes bursting with flavors that transport your taste buds on an unforgettable journey. The staff's warmth and hospitality add an extra layer of charm to the dining experience, making every visit a delightful escape. If you're longing for an authentic taste of Bengal, this place is an absolute must-visit!"
Subhankar Das
Great Enjoyment 😃. Awesome Atmosphere 😁. Beautiful Ambiance 🔥. The decoration was very nice. We ordered Bagha Thali with some other starters and dishes. Fish Mutton and Chicken were fresh enough. Dhakai Ilish Paturi was just remarkable. "Hate Hate de Tali, Asbe tobe Baghar Thali" - When we said that they served our Thali . One of the Favourite Bengalee Cuisine Restaurants.
Indrajit Majumder
Excellent food. Service has lot more room for improvement. Also need to speed up service.
Subhasis Nag
The food was very tasty mainly for those who love Bengali cousins ideal for them . Capacity here is for around 32 people,so you might have to wait for Sundays & holidays.
Prasenjit Banerjee
Food is very good , beverages are not so good . Seating is a little cramped . Ordered a lot of a la carte items … really liked the dab chingri and the illish,
ইচ্ছে ডানা
This is my 1st time experience at Bhooter Raja Dilo Bor. I have been thinking of going to this restaurant for a long time, but for various reasons I could not go... Finally on the occasion of my wife's birthday on 10th August I came here (SDF Mor, Saltlake Sector V) with my family... And the experience was great. All of us like the restaurant and the taste of the food.. The atmosphere was nice...the restaurant interior was based on the famous Bengali movie Gupi Gayen Bagha Bayen. It's an authentic Bengali cuisine restaurant. They provide different types of shareable and non shareable Thali. We have ordered Gupir Thali, Baghar Thali, Mutton Dukbanglow, Rajshai Chicken, Chingri Malaikari.. All the food was really tasty.. I liked it.
Rima Das
Visited during the pujo, on Saptami. We reached there before 12:30, the restaurant opened at 12:30, so we didn't wait much long but got seated immediately. We had decided to have the pujo thali, it took around an hour or so for the food to arrive, after we ordered. So, be prepared to sit there, as they prepare the food after the order, at least some part of it. And try to reach early or you might have to wait in line. We had Bhaat, Sona moong dal, Jhuri alu vaja, Chingri alu posto, Bhetki Paturi, Chingri Malai curry, Shorshe Ilish, Basanti Pulao and Mutton Kosha, and finally Chatni, Papor, Rosogolla, Payes. All this was included in the Pujo Thali or something. Food was, as expected, really good, but a bit expensive. The decor is really nice though, hence 5 stars. If you're looking for a good dine in experience, go ahead. But it's definitely gonna make a dent in your pocket, so be prepared for that.
Rangan Das
The food is exactly what you expect to be. Absolutely light and homely. Ordered the Amloki and the Haritoki Thali along with Doi Katla and Rajbari Kosha Murgi on the side. Fish was very fresh and well cooked. The Murgi was well cooked but lacked flavour inside, but cannot complain due to the awesomely spiced and tasty gravy that went with it. They served aam doi and amsotto chatni on the side....very tasty and complete end to the meal. Not to be missed, the awesome behaviour of the staff and the nostalgic ambiance of the venue. They also made us clap with each other, just like Gupi and Bagha. Loved it.
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