Reviews Mamta Fast Food

Shatadru Dey
শঙ্কর'স ফ্রাই বহুবার নাম শুনেছি, কিন্তু যাওয়া হয়ে ওঠেই না। শেষমেশ এক বিকেলে চলেই এলাম ট্রায়াঙ্গুলার পার্কের ঠিক বিপরীতে। বাইক রাস্তার ধারে পার্কিংয়ের পর ছোট্ট গুমটির দোকানটা খুঁজে পেতে কোনো সমস্যাই হলো না। দোকানের সামনের হালকা ভিড় ও তেলেভাজার গন্ধেই চেনা যায়।

খাবারের তালিকা দোকানের সামনেই ঝোলানো, পাশে মূল্য ও খাবারের বিবরণ। আমরা বেছে নিলাম তার থেকে চিকেন পাকোড়া, ফিশ ব্যাটার ফ্রাই ও এখানের বিখ্যাত চিকেন চিজ ফ্রাই। একটু অপেক্ষার পরে আস্তে আস্তে খাবার গুলো পেলাম।

◆চিকেন পাকোড়া: প্রথমেই ছোট কিছু দিয়ে শুরু করলাম, দাম ₹৪০টাকায় ২পিস। বোনলেস, নরম মাংসের টুকরো দিয়ে তৈরি, ওপরে ব্যাটার দেওয়া। সত্যিই ভালো খেতে এবং মাংস সুন্দর ভাবে রান্না হয়েছে। পাকোড়ার সাথে সস দিয়ে দারুন লাগছিলো।

◆ ফিশ ব্যাটার ফ্রাই: (₹৭০/পিস) প্রথমেই জানিয়ে রাখি এখানে মাছ বলতে বাসা, ওই দামে আমি আসল ভেটকি আশাও করিনা। বিশাল বড় আকারের ফুলে থাকা ব্যাটার ফ্রাই সাথে ঝাঁঝালো কাসুন্দি দিয়ে এক কামড় বসালাম। বাইরের
কুরমুড়ে পরতটা সত্যিই মনোমুগ্ধকর। ভিতরের পুরু মাছের ফিলে লক্ষ্যনীয়, যদিও তাতে সেরকম কোনো ম্যারিনেশন নেই তাই স্বাদের দিকে খুবই ফিকে। পরের দিন ফিশ ফ্রাই খেয়ে দেখবো যদি ওতে ম্যারিনেশন করা মাছ থাকে তো এখানেই জানিয়ে দেব।

◆ চিকেন চিজ ফ্রাই: (₹৭০/পিস) বাইরে থেকে দেখতে একদম ফিশ ব্যাটার ফ্রাইয়ের মতনই, কিন্তু এক কামড় দিলেই বোঝা যাবে ব্যাপারটা কতটা আলাদা ও আদর দিয়ে বানানো। আদর বললাম কারণ ভিতরের পুরটা নরম গলে গলে পড়া চিজের মধ্যে ধনে পাতা ও কাঁচা লঙ্কা কুঁচি দিয়ে তৈরি বলেই। ওপরে নীচে দুটো নরম চিকেন ফিলের মাঝে এই পুর দিয়ে ব্যাটার দিয়ে ভাজা এই জিনিসটা সত্যিই ম্যাজিকাল। ফ্রাইয়ের সাথে পেঁয়াজ কুঁচি ও ঘরে তৈরি ঝাঁঝালো কাসুন্দি দিয়ে খেলে দিলখুশ।

প্রসঙ্গে দুটো কথা জানিয়ে রাখি, বসার জায়গা নেই, ফুটপাথের ভিড়কে ডজ করতে করতে দাঁড়িয়ে গরম খাবার খাওয়া মুশকিল তাই বাড়িতে এনে খাওয়া ভালো কিংবা একটু দূরে সরে একটু ঠান্ডা করে খেতে হবে। আর চিকেন চিজ ফ্রাই খেলে সবার শেষে খাবেন ও পেটে জায়গা রেখে খাবেন। কারণ ঐটা খুব ভারী হয় এবং ভালো খেতে হয় তাই সবার শেষে। এছাড়াও ওনাদের একটু হাইজিন নিয়েও ভাবতে হবে, কিন্তু এই সব ভাবনা দূরে ঠেলে এগিয়ে গেলেই চিকেন চিজ ফ্রাই আপনাকে হাতছানি দিয়ে ডাকবে।

ঠিকানা: গড়িয়াহাট ট্রায়াঙ্গুলার পার্কের ঠিক বিপরীতে।
সময় : বিকেল ৫-৮ (তারপরে গেলে চিকেন চিজ ফ্রাই মিস হয়ে যাবে)

29 days ago
Mainak Ghosh
Eating since chld hood.. very known people.. knows me by my name...
one month ago
Avijit Biswas
I'm a fan of their Cheese Chicken Fry... It's just outstanding... The other preparations are also good... But the Cheese Chicken is to die for... Situated very near to Hatari and opposite to Triangle Park... Staffs are very friendly and helpful... Don't ask about the ambience and decor... It is not mentionable at all... Only problem with the place is it's hygiene levels... It was not at all hygienic... Pocket pinch is very very friendly..
4 months ago
Rajarshi Das (gannets.on.a.foodhunt)
Without doubt this is one of the best places in South Kolkata serving fried appetizers. Their most 5and favorite fried item is Chicken Cheese Fry which is a must try under any circumstance.
7 months ago
Excellent fish fry served best in the region of South Kolkata
Quantity wise too good
Crisp and hot served with kasanda
Taste is best with great quality of fish and chicken served in the fry
Must try
Sep 13, 2019
Paulami Saha
Best fish fry you will get there.. For south Kolkata people its very easy to find this place.. Tranguler Park stoppage same footpath of city style.. They server verity of fry items.. Fish fry fish finger butter fry ect.. Price are reasonable.. Yes they dnt hv sitting arrengment.. Who's care😋😋😋
Quality and fry are just awsam
Love it

Sep 07, 2019
Abhisek Sinha
One of the best takeaway for fries in south kolkata.
Be it fish fry or chicken cutlet this shop serves the best in terms of taste. I visit this place very often and will recommend others as well.
Aug 10, 2019
Suman Biswas
Who loves Fish Fry? Bangali ke ei proshno ta kora uchit na. It is always a love for Fish Fry. Sankar’s Fry is one of the limited places in Kolkata who makes the best Fish Fry. ₹70 is rightly priced based on the quality of fish and the size. Cheers!!!
Jul 24, 2019
Pradipta Chatterjee
Located at the opposite of triangular park,this place is very famous in South kolkata....Fish fries and chicken cutlets are just awesome....quality is very good and prices are reasonable....
Jun 26, 2019
Biswarup Mondal
Had Chicken fry and fish fry and fish finger. All the items were really good and tasty. Located just beside Gariahat Citi Style. Price range is average. Had a great experience. Best for evening snacks. Try once, it won't disappoint you.
Apr 29, 2019
Pallabi Paul (sinful_tummy)
This is actually a street stall located at Triangular park, beside City Style. I must say this place serves one of the best snacks items at very reasonable price. I've tried their fish finger, fish batter fry and chicken cheese fry. The stuffing is impressive and all the items is made with fresh ingredients. There's no seating arrangement hence you have to eat standing.
Apr 13, 2019
Sampurna Chakraborty
This is one of my favourite place for cutlets and fried food located at triangular park and it is basically a takeaway counter.. Tried their Fish fry and Chicken cheese fry both the items were very good but the chicken cheese fry is one of a kind dish, two pieces of chicken breast stuffed with cheese,herbs, coriander leaves and green chillies that too for 70 bucks only..
Highly Recommended
Feb 25, 2019
Kalpesh Saha
Sankar's Fry is a small outlet located just beside the citi style of triangular park. Though it is a small place with no such ambience nor decor but the quality of the food is mesmerizing. It remains overcrowded most of the times especially in the evenings.

The fish items especially the batter fry is worth mentioning. It is a lovely thing to eat. The chicken fry also deserves a special mention.

It is a must visit place for street food lovers.
Jan 09, 2019
Aman Saraf
Today on 7th December 2018 I have visited this outlet Sankar's Fry, Gariahat for the 7th time. Because in New Zealand tour of Pakistan In 3 T20 Format Pakistan won 3-0 In 3 ODI Format 1-1 and In 3 Test Match Series New Zealand won 2-1. In this celebration I had at Sankar's Fry, Gariahat 1 Fish Butter Fry And 1 Fish Fry for Rs. 70/- each. Pocket pinch amount for a pocket friendly cheaper place like Sankar's Fry. Both the fish items were awesome and delicious as well. This place opens at 5:00pm and closes at 9:00pm. Those who like to eat fast food try Sankar's Fry it's just amazing and cheap as well. For 2 people Rs. 150/- Thank you Sankar's Fry for making my day outstanding.
Jan 01, 2019
Rounak Sarkar
ট্রাই অ্যাঙ্গুলার পার্কের উল্টোদিকে সিটিস্টাইল মলের গলিটায় ঢোকার মুখে ছোট্ট দোকান শংকর ফ্রাই। প্রায় কুঁড়ি বছর ধরে ফিস ফ্রাই, চিকেন ফ্রাই, কাটলেট ইত্যাদির জন্য বিখ্যাত। প্রতিদিন সন্ধ্যা নামলেই লোকজনের ভিড় শুরু হয়ে যায় আর ভিড়ের কারন হলো খাবারের ধারাবাহিক গুনমান।

এদের সবগুলো আইটেম ই আমি একবার করে আস্বাদন করেছি আর ফিস ব্যাটার ফ্রাই টা এদের মধ্যে সবচেয়ে ভালো লেগেছে। ভেতরে মাছটা একেবারে টাটকা, আর বাইরের ব্যাটারটা কুরমুরে আর সাইজ এতো বড় যে এটা একটা খেলেই পেট ভরে যাবে, দাম ও সেই হিসেবে খুব কম। এছারা এদের স্পেসাল চিকেন চিজ ফ্রাই উল্লেখ্য, এটা একেবারে অন্যরকম। আর আমার যেটা ভালো লেগেছে সেটা হলো কাগজের প্লেটে ফ্রাই এর সঙ্গে দেওয়া বাড়ীতে বানানো কাসুন্দি আর অফূরন্ত পেঁয়াজ।

তাই কোনো এক সন্ধ্যায় ট্রাই অ্যাঙ্গুলার পার্কে এসে মনটা খাই খাই করলে শংকর ফ্রাইয়ের কথা ভেবে দেখতে পারেন। বিকেল ৫ টা থেকে রাত ৯ টা অব্দি খোলা থাকে, তবে আমি বলবো সবরকম ফ্রাই এর সমাহার পেতে হলে সন্ধ্যা ৭ টার আগে আসাই ভালো।

Located beside City Style Mall, Triangular Park Sankar’s Fry is known for serving good evening snacks like fish fries, fish fingers, chicken cutlets etc for around twenty years. This place gets crowded every evening and the reason is the consistent quality of food.

I have tried every item they sell and liked them all.

Fish Fry – Price – Rs.70.00, Taste Rating – 8/10

Fish Finger - Price – Rs.40.00, Taste Rating – 8/10

Fish Batter Fry - Price – Rs.70.00, Taste Rating – 9/10

Chicken Cutlet - Price – Rs.60.00, Taste Rating – 7/10

Chicken Cheese Fry - Price – Rs.70.00, Taste Rating – 8/10

My favorite is fish batter fry. The fish inside is fresh and juicy with a crispy outside. Their special chicken cheese fry is also a quite unique one to try. What I liked is that with the fries they serve lots of onion and their homemade mustard sauce.

So, if you are in Triangular Park, you can try this place. It’s open till 9 pm, but you have to come here before 7 pm to get all the options
Dec 06, 2018
Snacks : Fish Fry
Store : Sankar's Fry
Location : Triangular Park, Gariahat
Price : INR 70
Snacks can be sometimes favourite starter.
Starter for a kickstart evening with lots of spicy flavours yet not so spicy.
Goodness of Bhetki fish infused as stuffings makes the fish fry so tasty yummy. Bong connection indeed but it's almost everyone's favourite in Kolkata.
The perfect fried fish fry can make your tummy full and it's munchy crunchy outside but soft inside will take you to fish delicacy heaven.
Enjoy with Kasundi or even try only the fry and keep enjoying the aroma of the Fish Fry while having it.
Dec 01, 2018
Anindya Sengupta
A big thumbs up for this small outlet situated just beside triangular park City Style. Being a fish lover I frequently visit this place for their Fish fry, fish finger and batter fry. Their Cheese chicken fry is something that also deserves special mention. Crispy coated chicken breast piece with a cheesy soft inside makes this one awesome. This place remains overcrowded most of the time in the evening and we were so busy in having the fries that forgot to take pictures. Next time will surely upload some pics.
Nov 13, 2018
Richasree_food Lover
Location: Gariahat
One of the crowded food joint in Gariahat area near City Style.
Tried fish kabiraji and fish fry..just loved the taste.
The price was also reasonable for the food they are serving.
Service was prompt.
Highly recommend this place!
Nov 05, 2018
Subhodeep Roy
You have to come here and taste their lip smacking fries.
Obviously the fish fries.
I have been to multiple places to try fish fry but this is the best.
Been to apanjan kalighat
Been to college street kalika
Been to howrah bridge
Been to mitra cafe golpark
Been to kasturi to try their bengali fish fry

But this is the awesome.
Their fish fry, fish batter fry, finger, recently they have started fish keema cutlets, its the best.
A must try for all fish fry lovers.
Oct 29, 2018
Sumit Roy
Excellent taste as always. Been here many many times and ate Chicken Cheese Fry, Fish Fry and other fried items,

Here is the full menu card with price
Sep 21, 2018
Sayantan Bose
I saw this small outlet, about 30 sq ft right in the corner of triangular park besides city style... There's always a queue and it intrigued me.... A few days later someone posted of this place being one of the best place to try some Kolkata style fries and I had to try it... A dish called chicken cheese was recommended along with its fish fry and boy that was true.... I had parked my bike beside the road and realised the 12-14 other bikes parked are also for the same venue.... Stood in the queue to order which grew longer by the minute, we ordered a chicken cheese and a fish fry.... And just in the first bite I realised wat a gem it was.... A thick and juicy well marinated boneless chicken with cheese all over and then a super crisp outer coating which is batter fried.... To all the guys reading this, please don't miss this one if you are in Kolkata.... They have been running this place for 22 years and the lesson that I learnt was that you don't need huge place for making it big.... U just need honest good food.... The pricing was good too ranging from 30 to 70....the fish fry at 70 was bhetki and it was good too.... Guys, once again, it's a must visit place if u like Kolkata style fried food....
Sep 17, 2018
Pritha Dutta
For those of you who are unaware of a hidden gem that is Sankar's fry just beside Citi Style, Triangular Park. They serve amazing fried dishes from Fish fry, fish fingers, chicken fry and many more.

So today we had their very tasty Chicken Cheese Fry for the nth time. Basically it's the breast piece sliced into two pieces, filled with a cheesy filling, dipped in a batter and deep fried. The filling has a pretty strong flavour of carrom seeds along with coriander. Though the batter is a bit thick but the uncommon combination of cheese with carrom seeds works really well and makes up for it. I highly recommend to try it and their other dishes too.

I'll give it a 4.3/5.
Pocket pinch- Rs.70 for a piece of Chicken Cheese Fry.

Also tried Chicken Fry @ INR 60/-
Rate : 4.7/5
Sep 11, 2018
Dr. A Chatterjee
🌐 LOCATION: This tiny little food joint is very hard to miss as it's located at the junction between Rashbehari Avenue and Panditiya Road, at the corner of the road just beside city style mall.

🏠 They open up at around 5pm in the afternoon and there's always a crowd infront of this shop. This joint draws attention from both hungry, tired people after shopping at Gariahat and also localites.

🍽️ They serve one of the best fish fries in south Kolkata. The quality of fish is fresh and quantity is adequate for the price.

➡️Must Try items:

🍤 Fish Fry
🍤 Fish Batter Fry
🍤 Fish Finger
Sep 09, 2018
Sanjit Kumar Chatterjee
Amazing fried items available from late afternoon towards late evenings..Chicken Cheese Fry is a must have here..Fish Fry,Fish Fingers,Chicken Cutlet all items are good.Be there early by 5 onwards otherwise the stocks finish fast.
Sep 01, 2018
Sushmita Mukherji
Keep ur eyes open for this one.the "blink n u miss" place is a flavour bomb.must haves are chicken cheese cutlet, fish fry, fish batter fry...p.s. the kasundi is lethal...bengali's answer to wasabi..
Aug 13, 2018
Akash Singh
This place is one of the oldest fast food joints in the Gariahat region. This place is well known for their fries. They serve mouth watering, tastiest fries one can have in entire Kolkata. There is no sitting arrangements here, so one may eat right on the spot or take away. If you're in Kolkata, this place worth a visit. They serve hot fries along with tomato sauce, onions and kasundi( a sauce made from mustard,very spicy and mouth watering). The fish fry and butter fry are the most common orders here.
Jul 03, 2018
The Chicken and fish fries are worth enough to try. Reasonably priced and portion is better than many outlets.
If near Gariahat or nearby locations, this is a must try.
Jun 17, 2018
Shalini Sil
Found this gem of a place at zomato at last. This place serves probably the best fries in town. Perfect amount of filling, fried just as much as required . Soft succulent and served hot. I have their fries every two to three days. My dad started bringing their fries home since he was transferred for work at a nearby place years back. This is one of my favourites indeed. Their chicken cutlet fish fries are amazing. But so is their fish fingers . Mentioning this 1 as most places serve pretty boring fish fingers. Extremely pocket friendly. Highly recommended.
May 11, 2018
Samya Ghosh
grown up watching this place getting crowded during evenings!
Hot and Fresh with Kashundi and onion rings is a must!
Price: 70 very cheap
Apr 08, 2018
Rounak Sarkar
Located near city style mall, opposite to triangular park Sankar's fry is a very old and popular joint, which serves fries & cutlets. Went there in a winter evening.

● Food: Had Fish Fry. It was hot and fresh. It was a quiet large sized fish fry. It tasted decent.

● Price: Rs.70 for a fish fry, which is very cheap.

I liked the place. It is very small and always crowded. Will try their other items next time.
Apr 01, 2018
Meghna Bera
This small food joint located near City Style,Rashbehari Avenue, is one of the few hidden gems in the city that stays true to the taste of Calcutta (old Kolkata that is). Famous for its fish fry ,this place is always stacked with people and why not! The fish fry served with fresh mustard sauce and salad is something to die for...!!
Recommended for take away!
Pocket friendly.
Mar 28, 2018
Soham Sinha (kolkatadelites)
This famous small kiosk is known for their scrumptious Fish Butter Fry, Chicken Pakoda, Chicken Cutlet and Fish Fry. Served with sliced onions and Kasundi, the fries taste heavenly. Remains crowded most of the time due to the huge demand. Don't go by the exterior, go for the food, at this eaterie. You'll definitely not be disappointed.

The fish they use in the Fish Fry is well marinated with perfect quantity of spices! Fried to perfection, the fries are juicy and delicious to munch on!

The quality of the fish they use is pretty decent. The size of the fries compared to the price is totally worth every penny.

If you're hungry and have a mere amount to spare, drop by to indulge yourself into their crispy mouthwatering fries!

Recommended for take away!

Pocket Pinch : 4.5/5
Taste Quotient : 5/5
Mar 17, 2018
Anindita Ray
This is truly a hidden gem of Kolkata. We visited this place during Pujas. He was preparing the fish fry that time, so we were lucky enough to taste it all hot & fresh and it tasted 2 times more tasty. 😃
Mar 11, 2018
Kushal Mon Bosonto Sinha
A famous take away for delicious snacks, Santa's Fry is a must visit for shoppers in the triangular Park area.
It is well known for Fish batter Fry., Kabiraji and Cutlets. Do expect a beeline before enjoying your bite!
Jan 12, 2018
Sumana Guha
This is a small kiosk just located opposite to city Mart, gariahat. But don't judge the food by the exterior. Their signature dishes are awesome in taste and finally got the opportunity to taste their awesome fish fry and chicken fry. The chicken fry was not that hot but nonetheless tasted good with their home made very much pungent kasundi and onion slices. The fish fry was very hot and filling, the perfect balance of soft , tender, juicy as well as crispy and crunchy. Definitely recommended and price was moderate along with the taste. 😊😊😊
Nov 28, 2017
Tanay Paul
Each & every item is good . A pocket friendly , too much popular snacks joint. And one thing I have to mention _ their kind behaviour .

Chicken gol queen & fish butter fry are the heroines of this industry .
Nov 10, 2017
Dorothy Bhattacharjee
One of the best shops for fries. I have tried most of the dishes however my favourite will always be fish batter fry. Fantastic preparation and I didn't forget to pack one for my home.
Nov 07, 2017
I have visited this place a few times, and tasted all their foods. And every item is very very good. Among all the dishes my favourites are the CHICKEN CHEESE and the FISH BATTER FRY. Nothing more to say, but this is a must try "televajar dokan" for all food lovers.
Oct 26, 2017
Prosenjit Mondal
A small eatery located beside City Style.Though lot of people will think by looking at the shop that whether the quality is good or not?Don't judge the book by its cover.They served really delicious Fish Fry,Fish Butter Fry,Fish Fingers,Chicken Fry and lots more.I tried their Fish Fry,Fish Butter Fry and Chicken Fry.Both the Fish Fry and Fish Butter Fry was excellent.They were crispy and delicious.Chicken Fry was even better.It had the perfect blend of spices and cruncy.Overall,within 100 they sell some very good quality fries.Keep up the good work.Will visit again☺☺☺.
Oct 09, 2017
Spandana Ganguly
If you love fish fry or chicken fry you should head towards Sankar's Fry. The congestion in front of the shop is enough to make you understand how popular this shop is. This place is right beside Citi Style. Had packed for myself fish fry. The fish fry was beautiful and there was perfect balance of flavours. I loved it. Will try their chicken cheese fry as well.
Sep 05, 2017
Sreyoshi Bhattacharya
Amazing fish fry. Best I've tasted in Calcutta. The fish is bhetki and not Basa. The stuffing is much thicker than other fry shops in the locality. Price is also very reasonable.
Aug 27, 2017
Sreearjya Ghosh
This small cabin is located in Triangular Park, opposite Citi Style and right beside Abindra (a shop for sarees) As the phrase goes, never judge a book by its cover, this place may seem small and unattractive from the outside, but the food here is amazing. This is mainly a corner where you will get different type of fries. We tried the chicken and fish fries as well as cheese chicken. The price is extremely reasonable. However there is not place to sit and eat. This place is definitely recommended if you are near triangular park and want a quick bite.
Aug 25, 2017
Puja Deb
So good to see this small kiosk in Zomato. One of my fav place in Kolkata for chicken cutlet apart from Baked and Fried. Location is bang on main road opp Triangular park and beside Citi style. Good fish fries but Chicken cutlet is the best. Pricing is very nominal. Must try fellow Calcuttans and do visit early evening as it gets very crowded and the stock might get over.
Jul 12, 2017
Arjab Mitra
This is the place where you can relish fried items at an affordable price.with items prices at a pocket friendly 30-70 buks.The taste of each item is heavenly,its hot fried in most cases directly from the kadhai.passing through the area and looking for a hearthy snack,this is the place to be
May 06, 2017
Soumyoshis Poddar
Reached here in a busy evening of gariahat road. Somehow it was mentioned in many places that the outlet is opposite to city style, which is filly wrong. It is juat beside the city style, it is just in the crossing of main gariahat road , and a by-lane beside city style.

Coming to the food... my opinions will be as below..

Fish fry was very good..but the cheesy chicken fry was awesome..also fish finger is very good....will try their other items my next visits for sure
Mar 30, 2017
Suchismita Sarkar
This place is a must try for fried food lovers. It's a small shop located near Citi Style, around Triangular Park. Their fish fry and chicken fry are so good that they literally fly off their shelves as soon as they are made. You will rarely find this place without a queue of people waiting for their order. Special mention must be made of their Chickrn Cheese fry,it's on another level altogether! The prices are very very pocket friendly, ranging from 60-80 bucks. Tummy and pocket happy place :-)
Mar 26, 2017
I am a regular visitor of Shankar's Fry (previously The Fry Corner) for the last seven or eight years. A small shop in a corner near triangular park, open for hardly four hours but still maintaining a 4+ rating only proves the quality they have been providing for years. Whatever you try from here are outstanding at a very reasonable price, though I would personally recommend their Fish Fry and Chicken Pakora. Although, to me, the pakoras are slightly higher priced. The Kasundi they serve along with the fries seem to be somewhat different than what we get from the general stores... The one provided here is too tangy to bring tears off your eyes. Overall, I highly recommended place which all of my family loves....
Mar 25, 2017
Heavenly delicious...oooooohhh mahhh godddddd.....i mean what d heaven r they doing over there is just finger licking... preferred their chicken cheese fry and fish fry..even i think dt i have to choose this two for my marriage ceremony's starter menu...if they allow to do it for this purpose..foodie haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapppppppppppppppyyyyyy....happpppppppppppppppyyyyy fooodieeee....😊😊😊😊😊 Rajarshwi Das rajarshwi das
Mar 08, 2017
Rakesh Saha
Hidden gem. Sankar's Fry is located just opposite of Triangular Park in Rashbihari Avenue. You will love everything here. I visited here recently and tasted most of their fries. Things to mention :
• Chicken Cheese : This is no doubt the best thing you will have from a roadside eatry. Excellent in taste.
• Fish Fry : Very good.
• Chicken Fry : This is also very good.
Prices range upto Rs.60 and Rs.70 for the Chicken Cheese but its 200℅ worth having the food. Do visit here if you are nearby.
Mar 05, 2017
Ayushi Roy
Even the best restaurants don't serve perfect tasting fish fry as this shop does. It's almost a roadside shop. But also one to die for. We ordered fish fry and chicken cheese fry . Anywhere near gariahat pls do visit this famous shop. Mouli Saha
Jan 29, 2017
Mouli Saha
Amazing taste... Superb... A very small shop located at a corber near citi style in gariahat.... And we had ordered one fish fry and a chicken cheese fry.... I would recommend the bhetki fish fry to evryone going there.... Its one of the best i have ever had.... And is gonna b one of my favourite place in kolkata... Loved every bite of the food items.... And would definitely visit again :)
Jan 28, 2017
Mohit Kapoor / The_GreedyGuts
Located opposite citi style traingular park.

The joint is very very well know for the fish fry as well as the chicken fry.

Bhetki fry is my personal favorite as well as the butter chicken fry.
I have almost tried each and every item from the place and to be honest it was more than worth it.

Pocket pinch is reasonable.
Sankar da Fry is one of best im South Calcutta.
Jan 15, 2017
Anamitraa/The Gut Filling
Heard a lot about this place from my friends and foes. Came to try some fries out from here. Ordered the Fish Fry and Fish Pakora from here. The fries are fantastic. Contained a thick layer of fish. The fish pakora was excellent as well. Loved it a lot! Gonna come back here again because you get excellent fries at a very good price.
Dec 25, 2016
Souvik Svk Ghosh
I went here today based on my dad's recommendation and was astounded with perhaps one of the best fish fry that money can buy. The fish was fresh, the breadcrumbs fried to perfection and overall the dish itself being a crispy melt in the mouth affair. They also serve butter fries and fish fingers and their portions are big and value for money. Thats why I love Kolkata street food. easily a 4/5
Dec 10, 2016
Neelanjana Dasgupta
This place is nostalgia :) Their fish fry ,fish finger , chicken cutlet ,chicken pakora ....splendid !!!! Those fresh fish ...pure bhetki ...without any fillings ...solid pieces of huge diamond fish fry like heaven ..The same with their chicken cutlet ...its soo huge ..soo juicy and succulent ..that gives you a food-gasm :!! I am even a fan of their kashundi .(the mustard sauce ) they give .So , whenever we are nearby that place a takeaway becomes a necessity !
Dec 03, 2016
Abhishek Das
This place is located just next to citi style garment shop near triangular park.
The place is a take away fry center. The fries are very delicious. I had fish finger fry previously. Solid fish chunk. Very will spiced. Crispy outside and soft fish inside. Hygiene is not the priority here but the food its. So grab your fries. And enjoy the awesomeness. The menu card says 2 piece fish finger 40 rupees. But the counter guy gave 3 for 40.
A must try.
Nov 17, 2016
A Chatterjee
It's a really small fast food centre near city style,gariahat. It's almost unnoticeable but always crowded. They serve really good fish fry and that too at a reasonable price.
Oct 31, 2016
Bidipta Chatterjee Ghosh
When you want to indulge in some fishy business, just get down at Triangular Park, stand facing Citi Style and sniff the air for the amazing smell of fresh and delicious fries. If the aroma pervades your senses then you have arrived at the fabled shop named Sankar's Fry. They have been operational since many many years and is a heaven for fried food lovers. Since I invariably have to pass the shop every single day, a few detours to the shops was inevitable. They are known for their fish fry but on the day I had it, I was a bit disappointed. May be it was just one bad day amongst the many good days. But what I just cannot do without is their yummy Chicken Cheese fry. The amazing combination of juicy chicken and tantalising cheese forces me to break my 'no-cheese' oath every time. Well, better to write less and have more of the delicious stuffs on offer there.
Oct 21, 2016
Pamela Nandi (Foodaholic)
Located at the corner of the store CitiLife Style near Gariahat. I would recommend the best bhetki fish fry in the city which is always crowded and gets out of stock if you arrive  late in the evening. Apart from the fish fry , i die for their chicken cheese pakora - very very delicious. They are closed on Sundays.
Oct 09, 2016
Debottam Paul Choudhury
I liked this place very much.
Pocket friendly prices .
Bhetki fry will cost you rs 60.
It was good.
Chicken fry was also fine.
It's close to citi style.
Always crowded.
Sep 30, 2016
Shreya Bhowmick
Dropped by this place today to try their fries.Tried the fish butter fry and fish finger.Both of them were amazing.The coating contained ajwain I think which was a nice twist.The outside was beautifully golden fried with the fish inside being absolutely fresh,soft and flaky.The filling was with absolute solid fish instead of some other non-sense some fry stalls fill with for profit.The kasundi served with it had right amount of pungency which every bangali loves combining with fries.Price was pretty pocket friendly too.Its a pretty popular joint and the regular long queue outside the shop is the evidence of it.
Will surely try out the other delicious fries this place got to offer.
Sep 21, 2016
Debashis Mukherjee
The place where you will find the best fish fry in town is Sankar's Fry...Located beside city style in triangular park this outlet remains crowded all the time...No seating arrangement available so takeaway is the best option...
Aug 12, 2016
Abhijeet Nandy
If you are planning to have some mouth watering Fish Fries and that too at an affordable price then this is the right place for you. Located opposite to triangular park near near Rashbehari avenue this is a very old joint. It has got only a kitchen. No sitting arrangements. But all of their items are just amazing. And try to go for their fish products over chicken since they use original bhetki.
Jul 25, 2016
Soumyadip Banerjee/the_bigfatfoodie
Location: Just beside Citi style at triangular park.

My family swears by this joint's fish fries. They open at around 5-5:30 and fish fries get sold out by 7:30-8.

They use original bekti fillet and perfectly thin and flavorful coating makes this so delectable . For us, fish fry = Sankar da r fish fry.
Jul 25, 2016
Sandipan Bhattacharyya
Brilliant little fried food joint at the Triangular park junction. On an average day one can find a long list of people waiting in the queue. My favourites are chicken cheese fry, fish fry and chicken pakora. Service is quick. It's just batch after batch of fries delivered in almost factory chain precision. With the taste intact. I almost always order more than I am capable of having. Highly recommended.
Jul 25, 2016
Somnath Basu
This is an excellent place to stop by for chicken or fish fries. The quality of the food belies its nondescript appearance. While the enormous (and extremely tasty) chicken fries are probably the best thing they make, the fish fries and fish fingers are also noteworthy.

Till around three years ago, the kasundi they provided was easily the best (and strongest) available in any fried-food shop in the city. However, they've decided to dilute it, so, while it no longer packs the punch it used to, it's still an excellent accompaniment.
Jul 23, 2016
Sayantani Sen
This place deserves full marks for its mouth watering amazing fries. It is located opposite Triangular Park, next to a saree shop named Rabindra, and Citi Style. It would be easy to miss this tiny little shop if not for the delicious smell wafting a long way along the street. Their fish fry and chicken fry are both awesome- stuffed with good quality fish/chicken as the case may be and no other extra fillings. If you are in the mood for something lighter, go for the fish finger which is just a smaller version of the fry. The fish pakora and the chicken pakora have chunks of fish/chicken fried in a batter and are both awesome. A new addition to their menu is the chicken cheese fry, which as the name suggests is chicken dipped in a cheese coating and fried with a batter. It ha a hint of ajwain in it, which makes the taste unusually good. However this fry is too large for a light snack.
Sankar's Fry usually has a long line of customers waiting for their turn, but I assure you, it is well worth the wait!
Jul 04, 2016
Krishanu Das
Sankar's fry in Zomato didn't really surprised me at all even if it is being a small fast food center.

Just beside City style near Triangular Park.

This place is a must try for the fry lovers. All the products are made fresh and served piping hot. Taste is delicious and worth a try.
Reasonably priced products having quality ingredients added to it. Fish fry is a must try here also the other products like chicken pakora , butter fry are tasty too. Try out dnt miss :)
Jun 19, 2016
Anusree Mondal
Only if there was an infinite rating option available in here at zomato. Located just few minutes from N.G.MEDICARE, on the main road,beside some well known saree showroom; is an age old shop serving authentic fry foods. The menu is very very very comprehended. No fancy items just quality food. The quality is worth the money. I've been here since my teenage years. They serve one of the best fish fingers I've ever tried on. I've always loved to stand and wait for my chance to taste THE SHANKAR's Fry. During the puja shopping I always make sure to get hold of the fish fry. The long line and the wait for having the food is all worth it. There's no sitting arrangement available but nevertheless,the food lifts up your mood and then there's no need for any sitting arrangement. The hot and flavourful food. The must try included the fish fry and fish finger.
Jun 16, 2016
Joyeeta Saha
The perfect fast fry counter for every fish fry & fish butter fry lover ....always fresh & delicious in taste..  perfect for SONDHE BELAR KHIDE.. easiest to locate beside city style...
Jun 15, 2016
Sayantika Dutta (Eat Fly Buy Mag)
This is the tiniest piece of haven for all Fry lovers. The place is very easy to locate. It is bang opposite to Triangular park Crossing and on the footpath right beside City Style.

I have been eating their food ever since I was a toddler. Father's office being in a promising location in South Kolkata does help in one way or other and for me all the advantages were enjoyed by my palette.

Sankar's Fry has the heartiest portions and best quality to serve to its ever returning customers. They are frying away batch after batch of golden fried goodness all evening and hastily serving people, continuously lining up before the tiny counter. I keep introducing more and more friends to this place as it's hard to keep the joy of that crunch to myself.

I love everything here, seriously, EVERYTHING. You must try the chicken pakora, fish finger, fish fry, chicken fry, fish butterfry and most importantly please try the chicken cheese. It is their latest addition to the menu. A boneless piece of chicken breast, tastefully stuffed with cheese and parsley and fried in an airy batter that turns golden and crisp on meeting hot oil in the fryer. Just yum.

The only issue is that a certain fry on a certain day might be on the saltier side, but if you are lucky enough to escape that certain day, there is nothing much to complain about.
May 14, 2016
Indrani Sarbajna
Awsm delicious food quality. Always you have to wait for your time, bt when you get the fries you will love it. Price is low compare to the quantity and quality.
Apr 14, 2016
Ratul Banerjee
Went there today for a small snack after catching a movie...for its location in triangular park, it never loses its importance...Had a plate of fish pakora...well it seemed not so hot & was a bit hard on the outer crust but wen you just take a small bite, the juicy fish pops its way out...its like never before i have tasted so delicious fish pakoras & the softness adds more to the taste & waters the mouth...a great pocket friendly price & great taste...all adds up to make me visit there very soon & taste all the remaining fries in the menu...
And almost forgot to mention the mustard sauce is just wow...the fries tastes even better with that..just great...;)
Mar 26, 2016
Tirthankar Roy Chowdhury
this is perhaps ballygunje's equivalent of bapi-da's chicken of salt lake...the long queue in front of the shop all the time is a testimony to the great food served it fish preparation or a chicken one, you get solid adulteration....even the kasundi(mustard) they provide is of very good quality which is a perfect accompaniment with their fries
Mar 13, 2016
Somnath Sinha
Sankar' Fry is a very popular eatery located near Triangular Park. It is located right next to City Style. I am a frequent visitor of this place. The ambience is okayish. There is no place to sit. But the crowd outside this eatery speaks volumes about its' popularity and the quality of the food. I love their fish fry, chicken fry etc. I love their chicken cheese fry. A layer of chicken fried between two layers of cheese is what food dreams are made of. The price is a bit on the higher side. I will surely visit again.
Feb 29, 2016
Suman Sinha
Nice evening joint.
2nd best fish fry in town. I guess they use Bombay bhekti, which is quite nice for the price they charge. The chicken fry is also good. They also sell kasundi(which is actually awesome) for 50bucks.
Feb 24, 2016
This place serves legendary Fish fries and Chicken fries! Located near City Style on Rash Behari avenue can often go unnoticed by many but hardcore foodies would have no prob tracking it down by the aroma of fresh frying cutlets in the air around anyway. This small yet sooo good food stall was first discovered by my mother, and then we actually became a regular here. The fries are sumptuous and they serve fresh fish inside the fries which is the best thing according to my liking. I stay away from Kolkata now, but I always manage to visit here when I'm at my home for my vacation. Once I've even tried their prawn pakodas and they were brilliant too. Thumbs up to Sankar da 👍
Feb 09, 2016
Shamik Saha
What a fish fry! Simply put.....mouth watering.

If you want to have piping hot fish fry with more fish and less coating, this is a place to eat. Well it's street side eatery and either you eat standing on the pavement or pack it for home......but it's a must have.

The mustard sauce ........oh wow! Very addictive :-)

Jan 25, 2016
Subham Ghosh
Sankar's Fry is located just opposite to city style near triangular park. It is a very famous place for fries and there is always a crowd outside the shop. Last time I was late (around 8:45pm) and so I couldn't have the fish fry. Today I was near triangular park and suddenly thought of having the fish fry here. Luckily, today it was available. Priced at 60bucks, the fry was huge in size and the bhetki fillet was fresh and tasted great with the mustard sauce. I would soon taste the other fries available here
Dec 28, 2015
Utpal Ray
Whenever you cross triangular park.. Do drop in here for the best fish fry in town.. The best part is that you will be served with golden fried bhetki which is absolutely fresh...
Oct 27, 2015
The Bose Man
You need to try this if you haven't already till now. A delight for Gariahat/Rashbehari heading crowd which has hold its own against the tides of time. Chicken Fry and Fish Butter Fry with Kasundi is just mouthwatering. For just 50 bucks a piece, it is worth every penny and the queue.
Oct 02, 2015
Have tried this place 2-3 times for an evening snack while on gariahat area. Decor not really like a restaurant, its just order n eat standing on the pavement with a piping hot fry in your hand and in this humid and hot kolkata weather, sweating it out but the food is really superb hence the ambience is really disregarded/discounted !!!! Their fish batter fry is yummy, good quality and quantity of bhetki fish fried in a batter, served hot with mustard sauce(kasundi) and onions. The chicken fry is equally good, though i would suggest to definitely try chicken n cheese fry, the chicken fillet is really good with cheese cooked in coriander and pepper n condiments sandwiched in the middle of chicken fillet and a bread crumb around it and fried, just fantastic to eat :) Will visit again n again as it has a small menu, hence quality is ensured and very pocket friendly for that quality and quantity. Though for fish batter fry do visit early as it sells like hot cakes.
Sep 18, 2015
The Hungry Young Man
A popular joint among locals, Sankar's fry has had its share of acclaim over the years for its amazing fish fry and cutlets. 

A small outlet that can often go unnoticed, Sankar makes many a evenings complete with its freshly fried fish and meat. Local residents as well passer-bys and the hungry office goer on his way back home would often queue in anticipation of its lip smacking fries. Served with a dash of onions and dollops of Kasundi (bengali version of mustard sauce), a bite of the piping hot fry or cutlet is sure to get you back queuing up for more.
Aug 26, 2015
Asish Das
Excellent ☺️ amazing taste of food. Very good quality of food. Here you can get many snack items like fish finger, fish fry, cheese fish fry, prawn fry, Biryani, sweets etc. The behaviour of the staff is good. Before getting your order you have to maintain the queue. Like first come first serve. Self serve only. A very nice place to eat snacks.
Anik Kr. Saha
Very tasty and fresh at affordable prices. Long queues but fast service. Fish fry and Chicken cheese fry are the best options to try.
Abhradeep Dey (Karn)
A truly good shop selling fine quality snacks.... Be it their fish fry, fish batter fry or chicken cheese fry, each one of them tastes truly delicious.... This place is worth the hype and a must-visit eatery.... Pocket pinch (per head): ₹100-200
Avik Roy Chowdhury
Aaaaahh😋😋😋 !!! One of the finest fish fries you'll get in Kolkata. Mostly famous for Fish fries but ,fish batter fry ,Chicken fries , cheese chicken fry, fish balls etc etc are also available. The most amazing thing is the good size of the fries they provide for Rs.80 to Rs. 100 approx.. They serve in paper plates. No place to seat and eat, so you have to manage yourself. You may have to stand in long queues, during peak hours. Cons is they do not accept online payments yet. The shop is not maintained well, and pretty old, so don't think about hygiene 😉. Fast food after all...
Debaditya Dasgupta
The woman who sits there is full of ego & attitude, EGO IS DROPPING FROM EVERY INCH of her appearance. Previously the person at the counter was very nice. This woman has removed the ONLINE PAYMENT service, and she won't give a change if you take 1 item. If you take 2 - 3 items then she will provide change. If not you can simply turned down youur wish to have the food and go back home. Such an attitude. 🥵🥵😡😡😡😡
Soumya Samanta
Another popular place for fish fry lovers of kolkata. It is situated near triangular park area near gariahat. You have to be in a moderate queue to get reach of your food specially in evening time. Pricing is suitable for all and food they serve is freshly made. You need to carry cash for payment.
Satyaki Chatterjee
Shankar's Fry is famous for its authenticity of food items and affordable price range. They serve very delicious fries, they are specially known for the fish fry and fish butter fry. Usually there are queue you need to join in if you are visiting during rush hours i.e 6 to 8pm. The shop is located at the very opposite of footpath of the city style store near Traingular Park 🏞️. Few Cons: They don't have option of sitting, so you will need to eat outside of the shop at your own convenience. They support only cash transactions. Verdict: Despite the cons, this is a must try shop!
Subhadip Samanta
Perfect place to have fish fry & other fried items at a reasonable price, generally restaurants charge huge for Kolkata vetki fish fry but this place offers at a reasonable price. The taste is superb too. 👍
Alapan Ghosh
One of the best street food corner present in Kolkata. The fish fry and chicken pakodas were mind-blowing in taste. Just present in the next alley of city style in triangular Park near gariahat. The taste of these items were too good to be true. Fish fry costs ₹90 and 2 chicken pakodas cost ₹60 also 2 fish fingers cost ₹60. The fries were much better than most of them we get in restaurants. It is a foodies heaven and must be in their checklist. Highly recommended for everyone. It's worth it.❤
Madhumita Dutta
Fish fry good, fish butter fry er taste ta medium quality but Chicken pakora quality and taste darun. Must try chicken pakora
Apurba Kumar Pramanik
One of the best Fish fry in South Kolkata at affordable price. Don't miss to try Fish fry. Fish fry is so soft and absolutely mind blowing. The price is very reasonable for other items also. The place is small and you can have to spend a long time standing in a line for your turn to come. But you will not regret, The quality is fantastic. It's one of the most popular snacks food place near Triangular Park .
Sukanya Pal
Very good experience. Such a huge Fish Fry only at Rs 90/-. This is a very old shop at Triangular park and had amazing experience. Price list is mentioned here. This is just Adjacent to Adi Alshay and Co.
Ranit Rakshit
The famous fish fry corner of South Kolkata. No doubt there is always a queue whenever I visit the place. But I love the cheese chicken fry which is superb and tasty. And they serve the best quality food. Multiple visits. Uncountable. And many more in the future.
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