Hot Kitchen Alappuzha

Hot Kitchen, Alappuzha Mullackal Rd - Alappuzha

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Last update on 06/01/2024
273 Reviews


Last update on 27/12/2023
104 Reviews


Kalpit Kshatriya
Authentic Lip Smacking South Indian Food but not that Great North Indian Food The worst thing about Kerala is the availability of Vegetarian Food, while there are few options of Pure Vegetarian restaurants the food served everywhere is not that great. This restaurant is serving amazing Authentic South Indian food and that to very cheap. Things you need to know about this Kitchen -Serves Pure Vegetarian Food -Serves North Indian Food which is not that great -They give you ayurvedic water to drink which is bit warm and pink in colour don't misunderstand it to be dirty - The food is very cheap, they serve unlimited Thali/complete meal including Rice/Kerala Rice, 2 Vegetables, Sambar, Rasam, Papad, Pickle, Kadi, Curd, Paysam(Sweet) and some Chutney i don't know the name. All this for only Rs. 60 or for Foreigners less than 1 US Dollar. But please note this is only available till 12:30 PM not in the evening. - In evening you only get Idli, Dosa and North Indian Vegetables and Paratha etc. You need to keep in mind that if you want to have good North Indian food either have it in a Non Vegetarian restaurants or have a bad in tasting food in Vegetarian Restaurants. So what do you eat in Kerala if you are vegetarian? Go for the local South Indian Vegetarian Food it is best.
Meenakshi Rohatgi
Better known as Aryaas Veg, near Indian Coffee House in main market of Allappuzha (Alleppy), this humble eatery serves astoundingly good thanks ...with very very minimal price, and very good local food. Best to eat here than at any other hotel/restaurant.
Sagar Vishwanath
Only place I found some decent Veg food. After few weeks I'm in Alappey, I was craving not rice which is not boiled rice. 4 star just because it's the only decent place for Vegetarians. Management should work a lot on hygiene though.
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HOT KITCHEN, ALAPPUZHA - Mullackal Rd - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 75 based on 437 parameters and reviews

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