Hey people!
Before filing a complaint in the SHRC either via post/by-hand/online, kindly read SECTION 9 of the PHR (Amendment) Act, 2019 which deals with the grounds on which the complaints are not entertainable by the commission. I have pasted that SECTION below for your reference so that you can avoid such errs in advance.
Complaints not ordinarily entertainable - The Commission may dismiss in limini complaints of the following nature:-
(a) Vague, anonymous or pseudonymous or illegible, trivial or frivolous
(b) Barred under Section 36 (1) of the Act.
(c) Barred under Section 36 (2) of the Act..
(d) relates to civil dispute, such as property rights, contractual obligations.
(e) relates to Service matters or labour or industrial disputes.
(f) allegaions do not make out any specific violation of human rights.
(g) matter is sub judice before a Court or tribunal.
(h) matter is covered by a judicial verdict or decision of the Commission.
(i) where copy of the complaint addressed to some other authority is received by the Commission.
(j) matter is outside the purview of the Commission.
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