Jaganmata Bhojanalay Kolkata (Calcutta)

Jaganmata Bhojanalay, Kolkata (Calcutta) 40 Kailash Bose Street - Kolkata (Calcutta)


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Ratings of Jaganmata Bhojanalay

Last update on 05/01/2024
737 Reviews


Last update on 27/12/2023
4 Reviews
Last update on 04/07/2023
23 Reviews


Last update on 04/07/2023
697 Reviews


Last update on 01/03/2021
319 Reviews


Oishik Sarkar
2nd destination of my Pice Hotel journey by following Foodka's series I went to Jagatmata Bhojanalaya. A Bengali Odia hotel located at Kailash Bose St that is more than 100 years old. This place has some sweet memories in my life.

A little history :
I've been to this place almost 10 years ago with my Grandpa. Uff! those were days, holding his hand going to such places to eat, actually this place was introduced to me by my Grandpa only.

Then somehow this legendary place got lost somewhere in my mind. Thanks to Foodka's Pice hotel series, all those memories just came back to my life once again when I revisited this place after all these years.

Life now a days :
Working in the corporate life, sitting in front of the computer for all day and living modern lifestyle, we Bengalis forgot our tradition of sitting on the ground. So when I saw a mat laying on the ground I sat on it and I've no shame of doing that.

But that wasn't the case with everyone else. The Table Chair area was full and still people were waiting to get seated. Where as on the opposite ground floor sitting room was empty. Maybe no one really likes it anymore or I'm being little too old fashioned. Well! Thats how I'm.

Traditional Bengali Thali :
I was bit late to reach there around 2pm and I found most of the dishes were already finished for the day. So couldn't follow Foodk's recommendations this time but ordered other left over fish special dishes.

Macher Matha Saag Chorchori
Mourola Macher Aloo Diye Jhal
Parce Macher Sorse Bata Diye Jhol

How does it taste :
All were having very distinct homely taste with the punch of green chillies. Served on banana leaf definitely changed the taste. You can choose Kasar Thala as well. Here the rice you get isn't the most thin & fine quality, it's basic fat & bold little too moist rice.

Here Saag Chorchori wasn't as impressive as Swadhin Bharat Hotel. Mourola was definitely good but without potato it would have been great. Parce was deeply fried hence felt bit hard but held its taste.

I was willing to try their Aamer Chutney, but unfortunately didn't got it on that day. Don't worry I've alternate surprise dessert at end.

Pricing :
This place is way cheaper than the last Pice Hotel I visited. Look at the wall hanging menu board attached with the review.

My bill was only Rs.192 including all 3 fish items. But if you order some premium Bengal Fish like Chital, Pabda or Chingri that might cost you near to Rs.300 just for the fish.

Conclusion :
If you've came this long and waiting for my rating then let me tell you I'm no one to rate them. They're in business even before I was born. But I'll surely make a list of my favourite 

Wait wait wait! I haven't finished yet. Dessert is still remaining right? Just a few steps away towards Amherst Street you'll find Ghosh & Co. And I think there couldn't be any better option than their Misti Doi to finish this journey.
10 months ago
Partha Mondal
Very old spice hotel. Neet n clean.
All food quality is just awesome and home style.
Price is bit higher then the quality and quantity.
Otherwise it's very good.
11 months ago
Ronit Datta
Just came back from lunch from this awesome more than 100 years old nostalgic old north kolkata style place. They serve only non veg items. Simple and tasty bengali food. Ordered rice, dal with fish head, vegetable curry with fish head , mutton, chutney. They only use utensils made of brass and serve water in earthen clay pots(matir bhar in bengali).

The mutton was very soft. Overall the food was very tasty not rich but typical bengali home like.

They do not serve eggs or chicken.

It is located not in entally but in Kailash bose street. 2 mins walk from Sreemani Bazar bus stop.
Mar 17, 2019
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10:00 - 21:00
10:00 - 21:00
10:00 - 21:00
10:00 - 21:00
10:00 - 21:00
10:00 - 21:00
10:00 - 21:00

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JAGANMATA BHOJANALAY, KOLKATA (CALCUTTA) - 40 Kailash Bose Street - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 79 based on 1840 parameters and reviews

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