Goofy's Kolkata

Goofy's, Kolkata 34 Garia Park - Kolkata

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Ratings of Goofy's

Last update on 09/01/2024
20 Reviews


Sayan Chowdhury
I have been one of the first few customers of Goofy's and since the day they started, they did deliver consistent quality food. Over the span of few months, they have kind of my go-to online cafe for all sorts of burgers and pasta. They are by far the best continental cafe's i know around Gariya. All they are missing is a dine out, and may be in this time of pandemic, that might be a good thing. Go on and try out the burgers, i bet you will live them too. You can "slightly* customize the orders if you visit. Being a new cafe, they are open to suggestions and keen in keeping up with the quailty of they products.
SushmiT Dey
Goofy's is the newest Burger joint in the city and undoubtedly the best burger I have had in a long time.. I have travelled to a lot of places in India and abroad and burger is my favourite food, so trust me when I say Goofy's is the best right now. Fish & Chips (the chips are not shown here in this picture), Pork Balls, Chicken Batons & Chicken cheese balls with their tartar sauce and cocktail sauce are a must try as well. Just loved each and every item ❤
Arjun Dey
I bought food back to back for last 2 days from Goofy's and I must admit that their price in regards to the quantity and quality is really justifiable. They provide really mouth watering, tummy filling, yummilicious food, which itself makes sure that your overall experience is reminiscently delicious. By the way don't forget to try their crispy chicken burger, French fries and chicken sandwiches.
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GOOFY'S, KOLKATA - 34 Garia Park - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 96 based on 80 parameters and reviews

If you need to contact by phone, call the number +91 82402 26245



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Based on 80 ratings and reviews

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