Cafe Moshe's Mumbai

Cafe Moshe's, Mumbai Crossword Bookstore, Cumballa Hill, Below Kemps Corner Flyover, Kemps Corner - Mumbai


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Ratings of Cafe Moshe's

Last update on 08/01/2024
71 Reviews


Last update on 28/12/2023
15 Reviews


Samantha D
It's everything about Moshe's cafe that gives this amazing feeling while you're there. I always have my favourite dish there which is Char Grilled Chicken; it is so scrumptious. I have tried their other starters and drinks too. However, this one stands out. Next time when I visit them I will try something new for sure.
Mar 30, 2019
Meera Tamhane Agrawal
I am a regular visitor to CrossWord  and to Cafe Moshe which is inside the bookstore. I love their preparations - particularly sandwiches. But I had some bad experiences in which they  tried to overcharge me, a few times.

In the  latest incidence, on 22 Aug 2018 at about 3.30 pm, my daughter and I had orderd a chicken sandwich and 2 regular Cokes. Instead of charging Rs 100 each for the drinks, they charged Rs. 115 each under the item Diet Coke. The waiter  LIED blatantly that both Coke and Diet Coke are of the same price. But when I demanded to check the menu card, he agreed that those two prices were different. This waiter has been working there for years and definitely knew the difference but he LIED which shows that this is a regular practice of Cafe Moshe. The manager cum cashier Rashmi said sorry and gave me the corrected bill. But this has happened even earlier. Same persons, same outlet and overcharging.

They dont have all the items from the menu on their computer system and looks like this fact is used very conveniently.  eg. They have listed cold drinks under two heads - Sprite Rs 100 and Diet Coke Rs 115. Which means, except Diet Coke, all other cold drinks (which I assume will be mostly Coke) will go under the heading Sprite. Now if you order Coke and in the bill that you receive, it says Diet Coke, you dont think it is a wrong heading. You simply assume that instead of Coke it is listed as Diet Coke. This  strategy is probably to deliberately fool customers and overcharge them.  I have a feeling this is their regular practice. So, I have decided to complain at this forum.

Please go through your checks at Cafe Moshe  at all outlets as twice they charged me for a mineral water bottle which I had never ordered at their Palladium Mall outlet.
Aug 23, 2018
Apoorve Arya
While I have reviewed Moshe’s before, I am penning this specific review for this particular outlet.

Located amongst one of the biggest book shops in the city, the cafe not just has aromas of good food but also books, making the entire experience divine. The Moshe’s quality makes its mark.

On this visit I tired Middle Eastern Shish Touk rice bowl (a new entrant to their menu). It was a wholesome meal with chunky cubes of chicken in a zesty sauce. Loved each bit of it.

I now know where to head to, whenever I am in mood for an intellectual bite!
Jun 30, 2018
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CAFE MOSHE'S, MUMBAI - Crossword Bookstore, Cumballa Hill, Below Kemps Corner Flyover, Kemps Corner - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 81 based on 146 parameters and reviews

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