The Shim Tur New Delhi

The Shim Tur, New Delhi 3 F Navrang Guest House Main Bazaar Road Tooti Galli - New Delhi

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Last update on 28/12/2023
37 Reviews
Last update on 01/11/2022
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Last update on 01/11/2022
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Last update on 01/11/2022
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Last update on 07/10/2020
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Himanshi Gogia
How I found Shim Tur ?
While searching for Soju, I came across this quaint place, hidden in the narrow dainty lanes of Paharganj.
Let it me tell you, it wasn’t easy, specially around the first time, mostly because I was alone and got a lot of eyes balling at me, while I searched around.
But once found, since then, I have visited Shim Tur many times, mostly on Sunday Afternoons when the crowd would be low, it gave me a chance to disconnect from the world and get lost in the world of food, Korean food to be specific and of course the world with Soju.
On one such occasion I got the chance to meet the owner, a fine gentleman from Korea, he usually doesn’t stick around but he told me how his business changed once the Korean culture started becoming popular in India and how Soju is always in demand.
I was no different than others, I went there for some kimbab and soju, those are my favourite. Though a fewer vegetarian options, this place still stands out for me.
The place is divided into two, one with air conditioning and one outside, for afternoons I suggest to stay indoor, even though its not sunny at all, but evenings are specially pleasant outside. If you do visit there, don’t forger to have the classic Ramen bowl, the authentic Korean Ramen, just be careful for the spices that may come along in thr bowl.
The most exciting part about korean cuisine is the number of side dishes you get along with your main dish, thats just how the Korean Culture is; Shim Tur, does a complete justice to what I see on Korean Dramas and surely give it atleast 4 stars for their ambiance and food.
2 months ago
Nanco D
Somewhere in middle of the dense and crowded lanes of Pahadganj , lies this peaceful Korean cafe that is nestled on a rooftop , which blesses it with dollops of the comfy winter sun.
It's called Shimtur- which in Korean means "a place of relaxation"

My love for Bibimbap had me getting a fresh bowl of that sweet and spicy gochujang goodness , preceded by a clear Seaweed Soup that intrigued me from the get.

And I have to say both were so damn fresh and tasty that in my mind I was partying somewhere in the Korean peninsula with a gallon of Soju running through my veins. The Kimchi itself was one of the best I've ever had, legit af. And the seaweed soup with the sticky rice was really something.

Jokes apart, If you are capable of finding this spot, do go and try some of their amazing Korean food. The staff is extremely sweet and the cafe is hygienic and the food is full of flavor. Please carry cash
8 months ago
Recently visited this small korean restuarant in Paharganj .
It is a hidden joint but very nice .
I recently ordered egg roll ,Tuna sushi and kimchi pancake .
They all are were very good .I must say a must visit
9 months ago
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Now open
  • Monday: 12.00–22.00
  • Tuesday: 12.00–22.00
  • Wednesday: 12.00–22.00
  • Thursday: 12.00–22.00
  • Friday: 12.00–22.00
  • Saturday: 12.00–22.00
  • Sunday: 12.00–22.00

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The Chef reccomend

THE SHIM TUR, NEW DELHI - 3 F Navrang Guest House Main Bazaar Road Tooti Galli - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 88 based on 2544 parameters and reviews

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