Roasted By Roseate, Roseate House New Delhi

Roasted By Roseate, Roseate House, New Delhi Asset 10, Hospitality District, Aerocity - New Delhi

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Ratings of Roasted By Roseate, Roseate House

Last update on 08/01/2024
67 Reviews


Last update on 28/12/2023
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Last update on 19/08/2023
235 Reviews


Last update on 19/08/2023
11 Reviews


Last update on 19/08/2023
42 Reviews


Amarjeet Saluja
Picked up a chocolate cake from this place. While the the cake was expected to be great and it tasted really well but what was most amazing was the positive attitude of the bakery chef Anand Panwar. As I had taken the cake as a Rakhi gift for my brother, I felt the dressing on the cake was not worthy of the occasion. To be honest I did not expect favourable response to my request to make it a bit colourful but I still took a chance. And yes Anand Panwar obliged and personally decorated the cake to make it worthy of the occasion. Keep up the good work Anand and god bless
sanya singh
“Growing up without a father figure is like traveling without a map. You really can’t savvy or perceive the proper or correct way to reach places.” True ain’t it, but like every other thing in this world even the above has pros and cones. If you’re a loner and only blameworthy for yourself then not being prerequisited gives you freedom to develop rules suitable for your existence. But incase you plan on a commercial, giving living in a society, then probably learning from the existing would make it more acceptable leading to desirably pleasing. Born by the dexterous hands, minds of Chef Anand Panwar(Head Patisserie) and Chef Anuj Wadhawan(Executive), Roasted was lucky to have two fathers that taught it elegance, poise, and apt etiquettes In accordance to its birth place. Positioned alongside Upstage, Roseate House New Delhi’s cinema and retail arcade, its the hotel’s in-house patisserie and boulangerie’. Specialising in a wide range of macarons, savouries and sweets, Roasted is known for serving 34 varieties of exotic TWG tea, a signature of The Wellness Group and authentic Blue Tokai coffee with closed and open face sandwiches featuring utmost quality produce, exotic meats. Facing their enormous display of TWG teas that nearly touched the ceiling, i was soothed by some of their tea selections for me. Alfanso Black tea, faintly fragrant of mangoes was deeper in colour and light on the full flavour. Accompanied it were the platters of vegetarian and non vegetarian finger, open and closed sandwiches assembled in their freshly baked bread. Lined on a lookalike, of a wooden chopping board tray were three varieties of each strategically targeting different age brackets. Where Curried Tofu & Edamame (relatably savoured for Indian palate), Smoked Duck breast with arugula, onions & juniper(delicately open faced with mature flavours) and Grilled Brie with Juliennes of apple(a companion for wine) took care of the aged. House Cured Salmon with lemon cheese(mousse like consistency), Shrimp Skagon(minimalist relish) and Cheese slices with Peanut butter were more exciting choices for children. On the second round of TWG i was presented with a little sour and dense appearing Eternal Summer, vividly smoking & tasting of berries. It certainly cleared out my mouth and esophagus making space for Mr. pillow in my stomach. And As the same suggests it was comforting, inviting, therapeutic, decorative, soft and supportive. Constructed on a mud pie bed sat the airiest orange mousse centred with passion fruit jelly, decorated with white choco butter sheen.
Bahudoorapu Batasari
I recently had the pleasure of dining at Roasted by Roseate and I must say it was an extraordinary culinary journey that left a lasting impression.The staff deserves accolades for their impeccable service.They offer diverse range of dishes that cater to all taste .I wholeheartedly recommend Roasted by Roseate to anyone seeking a remarkable experience.
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10:00 - 20:00
10:00 - 20:00
10:00 - 20:00
10:00 - 20:00
10:00 - 20:00
10:00 - 20:00

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ROASTED BY ROSEATE, ROSEATE HOUSE, NEW DELHI - Asset 10, Hospitality District, Aerocity - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 84 based on 692 parameters and reviews

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