Traditional Kulfi New Delhi

Traditional Kulfi, New Delhi Westgate Mall, 1st Floor, Rajouri Garden - New Delhi

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70 /100
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Ratings of Traditional Kulfi

Last update on 08/01/2024
8163 Reviews


Syed Jahangir Ali
This mall is at its final stages and about to close as most of the shops have closed their showrooms here, only some food outlets are open like Tastedrive which is very popular shop here and you will also find Brand Factory showroom here which is very popular among the locals
Saurabh Rai
In its prime days West Gate Mall used to be the place people would love coming to, but now a days even on a weekend there is hardly anyone here. And why should they be? There are hardly any shops left, the cinema is closing down, washrooms hardly working. Seems like both public and as well as owners have given up on this.
Vicky Kumar Gupta
One of the most amazing malls of Delhi NCR region. This mall has got it all. From food joints to fashion stuff from bars to spa centre. Any age group person can come here and enjoy their time here. The architecture of this mall is amazing. The sheer size of it will take your breath away. There are lot of activities that you can plan here if you are coming with your family and friends. Anyone can spend an entire day here if they just want to roam around. This place got few amazing erotic clothing shops too ;) on the ground floor. Me along with my friends are coming to this mall from a very long time. This place has never let me down. Definitely recommend!!! Great mall
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TRADITIONAL KULFI, NEW DELHI - Westgate Mall, 1st Floor, Rajouri Garden - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 70 based on 8223 parameters and reviews

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