Addictive Lounge New Delhi

Addictive Lounge, New Delhi R24 - New Delhi

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Last update on 08/01/2024
10 Reviews
Last update on 27/01/2023
15 Reviews


Last update on 27/01/2023
28 Reviews


Soumabha Ray Chaudhuri #Foodaholix
Addictive Lounge is located quite near to the Gola Sizzlers and Nizam's Kathi Roll Restaurants in the Outer Circle of Connaught Place. Me and a few of my friends had decided to meet our college buddy, who had come to Delhi during his trimester break in XLRI Jamshedpur at Connaught Place. After a quick stop at My Bar and Blackberry we made our way to Addictive Lounge.

The Lounge has two floors and was quite empty even on a Sunday afternoon. As the ground floor was filled with families we decided to go to the first floor. The first thing that the manager asked us was if we were above 25 years old. While we were surprised by this question, we curtly replied that we were in no mood to drink and were just there to eat as we had already finished the booze part of the trip in MyBar itself.

The menu looked quite good, the appetizers and rolls had a lot of variety albeit being slightly pricey. What interested us most were the combos. At the prices mentioned, it was really a steal and deserved all the attention that it was getting. We decided to order 3 of them - Chicken Tikka Combo, Paneer Tikka Combo and Nasi Goreng Combo. While the Chicken Tikka and Paneer Tikka were safe choices, it had been years since I ate Chicken Satay, so it was out of a whim that I chose to have the Nasi Goreng Combo.

While we waited for over an hour for the food we saw that all the waiters and the manager were watching the Ajay Devgan starrer Singham on TV. No-one seemed to move an inch and we had to request them to get water every single time. Plus, the fact that the food was taking so long to come had made us really impatient as it was already 4pm and we had planned to watch Grand Masti at 5 30pm.

As soon as the food came, we leapt onto it like lions on deer. There were about 4 small puny sized tikka pieces in each plate which we finished in no time. The Dal Makhani served with the combos was really good,it was thick and creamy and went delightfully well with the naans. While the Tikka Combos were definitely average, the Nasi Goreng combo amazed me. Nasi Goreng which literally means 'Chicken Fried Rice' in Indonesian, came with a lot of prawn and chicken pieces and lemon had been squirted over the fried rice to make it tangy. The fried rice itself was an Indian preparation but tasted really well. The Chicken Satay served with the dish were fried and marinated chicken pieces on a stick and brought a whole new feel to the fried rice.

Overall, the meal was decently good though the waiting time really pissed us off. I mean, for a customer to wait for an hour before he gets his food really speaks of shabby service. As Jaykant Shikre would say it, "Aata Majhi Satakli".

Cost for 6 - Rs 1800/-

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Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 70 based on 113 parameters and reviews

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